Home > Radical Islam > ISIS Publicly Beheads Iraqi Teen For “Listening To Western Music”

ISIS Publicly Beheads Iraqi Teen For “Listening To Western Music”

Even the mere appearance or accusation of leaving Islam or insulting Allah and his god-like “prophet” can often translate into an immediate death sentence. In the eyes of the Islamic State, listening to “Western music” evidently gave them that impression. And the promise of a “reward” on the Day of Resurrection for whoever kills them is the enticing icing on their Devil’s Food Cake …

Hadith, Al Bukhari 84:64-65, “Allah’s Apostle: ‘During the last days there will appear some young foolish people who will say the best words but their faith will not go beyond their throats (i.e. they will have no faith) and will go out from (leave) their religion as an arrow goes out of the game. So, wherever you find them, kill them, for whoever kills them shall have reward on the Day of Resurrection.’”

bulldozer-beheading-isis1-1-620x359By Ahmed Shiwesh, ARA News – “The radical group of Islamic State (ISIS) on Tuesday executed a teenage boy in Mosul city of Iraq’s northwestern Nineveh province.

The 15-year-old boy was arrested by ISIS militants in central Mosul for listening to ‘western music’, according to local sources.

‘Ayham Hussein was captured by the jihadis while listening to Pop music at the grocery store of his father in the Nabi Younis marketplace in western Mosul. He was referred to the Sharia Court, which issued a decision to execute him,’ a spokesman for the Nineveh media center told ARA News.

‘ISIS jihadis publicly beheaded the boy,’ the source said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

The victim’s body was reportedly handed over to his family on Tuesday evening. The incident has raised public outrage among Mosul’s residents.

‘There was no formal decision by the Sharia Court that ban listening to western music,’ the source said, adding this was the first case of its kind to be documented in Mosul.” Source – ARA News.

Flashback: Parents Forced To Watch As ISIS Beheads Their Young Boy For Missing His Friday Prayers – “A 14-year-old Syrian boy was beheaded by the Extremists of the Islamic State, or as they are better known — ISIS. The beheading happened in the northern city of Jarablus after he was accused of apostasy for missing his prayers. Making matters even worse is that ISIS beheaded the teenage boy right in front of his parents. According to Mirror, the boy missed his Friday night prayers at the city’s central mosque, and it forced him to be brought to death by ISIS. Apostasy is defined as the abandonment or renunciation of a religious or political belief. Due to the fact that the boy simply missed prayers on Friday night, ISIS believed that he had completely renounced his faith …” Read more.

Categories: Radical Islam
  1. dwightupton
    02/17/2016 at 2:33 PM

    The moderate Moslems around the world are either silent or utter inshallah under their breath.
    5,000,000 Muslims surround the 30,000 ISIS but do not raise a finger to eliminate them therefore they are accessories/enablers.


  2. 02/17/2016 at 3:20 PM

    ISIS people must think God is evil. Heaven would be a torture chamber with ISIS Quran followers behaving like they behave. ISIS people are the opposite to the way God is.


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