Home > Radical Islam > Parents Forced To Watch As ISIS Beheads Their Young Boy For Missing His Prayers

Parents Forced To Watch As ISIS Beheads Their Young Boy For Missing His Prayers

According to Islam, anyone who leaves the religion must be killed, regardless of age. Thank goodness the blood-thirsty deity of Islam is “all-merciful” otherwise the killers could have beheaded his parents, too, for daring to conceive someone who would eventually leave the Religion of Peace …

Hadith, Al Bukhari 84:64-65, “Allah’s Apostle: ‘During the last days there will appear some young foolish people who will say the best words but their faith will not go beyond their throats (i.e. they will have no faith) and will go out from (leave) their religion as an arrow goes out of the game. So, wherever you find them, kill them, for whoever kills them shall have reward on the Day of Resurrection.'”


Qur’an 48:29, “Those who follow [Mohammed] are ruthless to the unbelievers but merciful to one another.”

Inquisitr – “A 14-year-old Syrian boy was beheaded by the Extremists of the Islamic State, or as they are better known — ISIS. The beheading happened in the northern city of Jarablus after he was accused of apostasy for missing his prayers. Making matters even worse is that ISIS beheaded the teenage boy right in front of his parents.

According to Mirror, the boy missed his Friday night prayers at the city’s central mosque, and it forced him to be brought to death by ISIS.

Apostasy is defined as the abandonment or renunciation of a religious or political belief. Due to the fact that the boy simply missed prayers on Friday night, ISIS believed that he had completely renounced his faith and could no longer be trusted…

ISIS beheading the 14-year-old boy in front of his parents is being seen as yet another message, and not just since he missed his prayers. They are letting it be known that if they’re willing to kill a teenager in public for such a matter, then they are willing to do the same to anyone that goes against their orders or betrays them.” Source – Inquisitr.

Flashback: Islamic State Announcement: Everyone Who Insults ‘Allah’ Will Be Beheaded – “Islamic State (IS) fighters have beheaded a man for allegedly working for Syrian President Bashar Assad and announced that all who insult Allah are to be executed, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) said Friday. ‘Der-Ezzor province: ISIS executed a man from al-Mayadin city in al-Jerdaq yard, on the charge of working for Bashar al-Assad as a cop, and judged him with ‘al-Radda’,’ the London-based observatory said on its official Facebook page. ‘ISIS fighters have announced today that everyone [who] insults Allah will be executed and beheaded,’ SOHR said.” Read more.

Flashback: Saudi Arabia ‘Justice’ Minister: Beheading Is Enshrined In Divine Islamic Laws, ‘We Cannot Change Them’ – “Saudi Arabia’s Justice Minister has defended tough Sharia punishments such as beheading, cutting off hands and lashing, claiming they ‘cannot be changed’ because they are enshrined in Islamic law. ‘These punishments are based on divine religious texts and we cannot change them,’ Mohammed Al Eissa reportedly said during a recent speech in Washington… ‘Islam is a religion of wisdom that calls for dialogue with other religious faiths and peaceful coexistence with other communities. [Edit ICA: Then why is there not one single Christian church in all of Saudi Arabia?]” Read more.

Categories: Radical Islam
  1. Sharon
    02/02/2016 at 5:09 AM

    What can one say???


    • yourjesustreasure
      02/02/2016 at 11:57 AM

      One can say to all elected govt. officials via email, letters, petitions that we don’t want this in USA. Join US Freedom army, sign up for, Convention of States, go with Franklin Graham to your State Capital for Decision America. Most of all, seek, Jesus/Yeshua, The Son and Lamb of The Living YHWH.


      • Sharon
        02/02/2016 at 9:24 PM

        My comment was one of absolute astonishment and horror at the evilness of all this!
        I HAVE sort the “Son and Lamb of The Living YWHW” or more correctly, HE FOUND ME for I was one of His sheep whom He came to find. He is The Good Shepherd and thankfully He seeks, finds, cares and protects His own sheep. Of course though we may die yet we shall live.
        As for ISIS I should not have been so stunned at yet another perpetration of this particularly evil atrocity as it shows more and more the characteristics of the fourth beast Daniel saw. It had the affect on him of utter astonishment such that he was sickened for three weeks!!! Why should we be any different when we see the actual beast which Daniel saw in vision form? But still it affects us as evil certainly always does.
        Thankfully ALL is in the good hands of our God and by and by we shall see Him face to face. Praise His name!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Sharon
        02/02/2016 at 9:25 PM

        PS: thankfully I do not live in the USA!


  2. 02/02/2016 at 1:50 PM

    ISIS is evil incarnate and will incur God’s wrath as recompense for the wanton slaughter of innocents – a number His Holy Angels maintain tally of – for over 1400 years. The Lord Jesus Christ’s wrath will prevail over all evil. Praying for the parents and so many to come out of this horrific cult. Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus!

    Liked by 1 person

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