Home > Radical Islam > Nigeria: Islamic Leader Says Underage Marriage Is A Muslim Right, Demands Respect For Muslim Sensibilities

Nigeria: Islamic Leader Says Underage Marriage Is A Muslim Right, Demands Respect For Muslim Sensibilities

Should sensible people respect the insensible? …

9jabook – “A prominent Niger Delta Muslim, Alhaji Mujahid Abubakr Dokubo-Asari, has lashed out at critics of the moves by Nigeria’s Senate to approve under-age marriage.

Expressing his opinion on the issue this morning, Dokubo, who converted to Islam as an adult, insisted that it is the right of Muslims to marry or give out their daughters at any age they wish, adding that this is not the business of non-Muslims.

Said the Niger Delta Peoples Volunteer Force (NDPVF) leader through Facebook:

‘People should learn to respect other people’s sensibilities…We Muslims have the right to marry when we want or give out our daughters at any age we want. It is not your business and the law must respect our right to do so. Anything short of that is an infringement on our rights. We did not ask you to marry ladies of that age or give your daughters out in marriage at that age. Plzzzzzzzz respect our sensibilities.’

News Express reports that the Nigerian Senate has come under fire from outraged Nigerians and the international community after being convinced by Senator Ahmad Yarima to drop a constitutional amendment outlawing marriage to girls under 18. The former Zamfara State governor who once came under fire for marrying a girl believed to be aged 13 had argued that Islam recognises under-age marriage.

Issues pertaining to religion usually evoke strong reactions in Nigeria, a deeply religious nation that has Christianity and Islam as the dominant faiths.” Source – 9jabook.

Flashback: Religiously Sanctioned Pedophilia

Categories: Radical Islam
  1. 07/22/2013 at 4:06 PM

    Can you even Imagine the poor little girl forced to marry & have sex with this PIG!… Every time I see something like this … I LITERALLY Throw Up… My heart bleeds for these innocent babies. Sick Twisted Pedophiles! The LOT of them!… Satan’s Demons raping Children World Wide & Supported by Our So-Called President’s Executive Orders & OUR TAX DOLLARS! They should ALL be Put to Death!!! It is the ONLY Civil Solution.


  2. Pazuzu
    07/22/2013 at 5:57 PM

    I don’t care what these pedophilic pervs believe, and I certainly do not respect them or their savage ways.


  3. Anonymous
    07/22/2013 at 6:44 PM

    It is absolutely insane that this can happen in such a large scale. Because of religion.


  4. 07/22/2013 at 8:28 PM

    I’ve always advocated that Religion should be separeted from politics. I don’t use religion to analyse cociety but a situation where Muslims always threatened non muslims with Jihad is completely unacceptable. The Evolution theory holds that everything stats from simple to complex. If this threats are not the complex state of islam, then I wonder what lies ahead of non Muslims.

    I think this is the right time to confront this group holistically and put a demarcation between Religion and non Religious issues. The Third World War is inevitably staring us in the face and I’m sure it’s going to be a Religious war.

    However, I don’t think the issue of Child Marriage should be subject to religion but rather what the state considers appropriate for all. A law cannot be applicable to one segment of the society and not relevant in another.

    In as much as I support freedom of worship and mutual respect for religious belief systems, Islam should also respect the world and excercise restrain in certain areas of National life. Without prejudice or stereotype, this law is not suitable for a secular State-Nigeria.


  5. Anonymous
    07/22/2013 at 8:33 PM

    Animals !!


  6. deborah lee
    07/22/2013 at 9:21 PM

    Wow they talk about the rights of Islam what about the rights of the children and the right to be old enough to choose make these men spend a month in these childrens shoes and im sure they would change their minds


  7. 07/22/2013 at 9:27 PM

    Reason no. 666 why the Satanic political ideology that is Islam must be confronted, defeated, destroyed and ERASED FROM HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS, worldwide, once and for all.


  8. 07/22/2013 at 9:31 PM

    OMG! Why does everyone continue to refer to Islam as a “Religion?” Maybe, just “maybe”, if we were to refer to it as the “CULT” that it really is…maybe then, people will “wake-up” and put an end to it, once and for all?

    No way…huh?


  9. ICA
    07/22/2013 at 9:46 PM

    Islam fits the definition of a “religion” as well as a “cult”. It also fits the definition of “evil”, “corrupt”, “depraved”, “savage”, “deceitful”, “fraudulent”, “despotic”, “poison” …


  10. Roy Kochanowski
    07/23/2013 at 6:38 AM

    I would expect nothing less from followers of the paedophile “Prophet” – a warlord who made up a religion as he went along,m adjusting it to suit his personal needs!! (You lot can have 4 wives but I can have as many as I want because Allah said so – aye, right!!)


  11. esa
    07/23/2013 at 8:44 AM

    joesph was 90 years old and Mary was 12-14 years old that is a fact you disregard. but marriage and sex are not the same thing. Marriage does make sex permissible but does not obligate it.

    Islam is the religion of all Prophets of all times it is submission to the one and only creator. not named after people, places or concepts.


    • Shiloh
      07/24/2013 at 10:02 PM

      I don’t know where you get your info, but there is nothing that tells Joseph’s age. And Jews didn’t marry their daughters off so young. I have heard it guessed Mary to to have been around 15 when betrothed, and they didn’t consummate their marriage, at the age of 16, until after she had Jesus. Betrothals were as good as marriages, but without consummation. The Talmud suggests 18, I believe. Islam is the religion of a pedophile, so of course muslimes see nothing wrong with ruining a little girl! Nothing but a dirty old pervert!


  12. ICA
    07/23/2013 at 10:23 AM

    esa, “Islam is the religion of all Prophets of all times it is submission to the one and only creator. not named after people, places or concepts.”

    Hi esa, thank you for your reply. How can Islam be the religion of “all prophets” when it elevates Mohammed above all of them and even associates him with God? Islam teaches that Allah has no partners, yet contradicts itself in stating that someone cannot become a Muslim unless they acknowledge that “There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his messenger” per the Shahada. What about all of the others that Islam claims to believe in? The fact of the matter is that unless someone acknowledges Mohammed, they cannot become a Muslim. Islam elevates Mohammed to the same status as its own deity in that both must be acknowledged together, not just the god of Islam.

    As I wrote in “A Few Simple Questions for Muslim Visitors”, the Biblical Jesus forewarned His believers that “many false prophets will appear and deceive many people” who would even “perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect—if that were possible” (see Matthew 24:11,24). The Apostle Paul calls them “counterfeit miracles” or “lying wonders” in his epistle to the believers in Thessalonica (2 Thess 2:9) whereby many would be deceived. Not just a few, but a large number of people would be lead down a road of serious theological error by the false teachings, false signs and false miracles of false prophets. Have you wondered why Islam teaches that the Qur’an itself is a “living miracle”? Or why it is taught that Mohammed’s war victories and his ascent into Heaven during the “Night Journey” were “great signs”? Questioning these “great signs and miracles” and viewing them through the lens of critical thinking is paramount to questioning the “Word of Allah” to the Islamic mindset, and the history of Islam has been one of “anti-intellectualism” where Muslims are discouraged from asking difficult questions about Mohammed or about the Qur’an and its teachings. Why?

    The teachings and commands in the Qur’an and the Hadith are diametrically opposed to the teachings and commands of the Biblical Jesus. In Matthew 5:44-45b Jesus says, “But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven …”. Does the Jesus of the Qur’an also teach this? Does even Mohammed — the prophet of Islam — teach anywhere in the Qur’an or Hadith to love and pray for one’s enemies? To the contrary, the Qur’an teaches that Muslims must war against non-Muslims. That Muslims are not even permitted to befriend Jews and Christians. The Hadith teaches that Jews and Christians can and will be forced to submit to Islam, or one day experience mass slaughter for the glory of Allah if they refuse. It is no coincidence therefore that Jesus also forewarned us that “the time is coming when those who kill you will think they are doing a holy service for God” (John 16:2b). Christians are being persecuted and killed by Muslims in increasing measure today in the name of Allah, yet even despite this many Christians still choose to respond to their Muslim aggressors with forgiveness time and again

    The Bible and the Qur’an — Which is More Reliable?

    Archaeological discoveries have repeatedly confirmed what Christians have already believed, that Biblical manuscripts and fragments dated even hundreds of years before Mohammed are virtually identical to the canonized Biblical texts we have today. The same cannot be said for the Qur’an, however, where even Muslim archaeologists acknowledge that many aberrations exist in old Qur’anic texts, a forthright admission that runs counter to the Islamic claim that the Qur’an is unchanged and eternal. Contrary to the claims of Muslim apologists, not only does the Qur’an distort and incorrectly define some very basic Christian doctrines, it is also at odds with factual and observable science by presenting a flat earth model for the earth and universe, for instance. Moreover, when Muhammad recited the Qur’an, he clearly stated that he did not believe that the Bible was corrupt at that time and called upon Christians to adhere to the Scriptures that they already possessed. But this begs the question: Since the Scriptures we have today are the same Scriptures that Christians had even well before the time of Mohammed, when do you believe the Bible could have possibly been corrupted, who corrupted it, and how was it corrupted?

    The Son of God – What Does It Mean?

    The Qur’an teaches that, according to Christianity, God acquired a son through procreation with Mary. In the eyes of Muslims, the term “son of God” is believed to be, and is therefore understood, in a literal sense. But this misrepresentation is so far from the basic tenets of Christianity that any serious student of the Qur’an should begin questioning the veracity of some of the teachings of Islam on this error alone. The term “son of God” in the Bible is an anthropomorphism and is intended to be understood in a figurative sense, not in a wooden literal sense. It is a metaphor to describe a relational identity. In John 3:16, Jesus is called the only “begotten” son of God (the Greek word monogenēs) which means “unique” or “one of a kind” or “one and only”. As Christians, we are all called God’s children (Matthew 5:9; Romans 8:16; Galatians 3:6; Galatians 4:5; Ephesians 1:5, etc.). But this term is an analogy to describe our relationship to our Heavenly Father. We are not literal “sons” and “daughters”. Even the angels are called “sons of God” in the Bible (Job 1:6; 2:1; 38:7). Adam is also called the son of God as well (Luke 3:38). But Jesus is called the only “unique” son of God in Scripture for a very good reason. In the Old Testament, before Jesus came as a child into this world, He appeared before His people as the “Angel of the Lord”. He revealed Himself in the burning bush that spoke to Moses on Mount Sinai. He appeared before Joshua as the Commander of the Hosts of Heaven. And in the New Testament He is the eternal “Word of God”, called the “unique son of God”, because He is God in the flesh and there is no one else like Him.

    John 1:1,14, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was GodAnd the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten [monogenēs] of the Father, full of grace and truth.”

    The Trinity – Monotheism or Polytheism?

    Because of Mohammed’s misunderstanding of what Christians believed and practiced, Islam teaches that the Christian belief of the Trinity is a polytheistic teaching of “three gods”, characterized as the “Father”, and the “Son” and the “Virgin Mary”. Not only does the “Virgin Mary” have nothing to do with the Trinity (it is the Holy Spirit, not Mary), we believe in One God only and One God that is Triune. Not three gods. To use an analogy to illustrate this, consider fire. When we observe the fire of a candle, for example, we observe three distinct things: light, heat, and a flame. Yet, the light is fire. The heat is fire. The flame is fire. Although these three are fire, are there three fires, or only one? Likewise, the Father is called God in Scripture (Phil 2:1), and so is the Son (John 1:1,14; Col 2:9), and so is the Holy Spirit (Acts 5:3-4). Even though there is a clear distinction, there is only One God. As Deuteronomy 6:4 declares, “Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD.” Literally translated, “Hear, O Israel: Yahweh and our Elohim are a united one.” The Old Testament demonstrates a plurality in the Godhead that is a united One, and this distinction is reaffirmed in the New Testament: “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him” (John 14:23).

    You believe that Mohammed is the greatest of all prophets, but how can Mohammed be a true prophet when he didn’t even properly understand or define some very basic Christian doctrines, doctrines which Islam misrepresents in both the Qur’an and Hadith? The answer should be clear: Mohammed was, and is, a false prophet. Read here to learn even more.

    One Messiah — One Truth — One Way of Salvation

    There is only one true Jesus, and we believe that it is the One that the “People of the Book” believed in many centuries before Mohammed, and still believe in to this very day. He is our Messiah. He is our Deliverer. He is our Salvation. And He can be yours, too. Any teachings that claim to be the “truth” or another “revelation” or a new “gospel” that denies or opposes the Scriptures that ‘the people of the Book’ had already been given — the true Word of God whom the Lord has protected from corruption (Isaiah 59:21) throughout the ages — is to be rejected. Islam teaches another “Jesus”. Islam teaches another “revelation”. Islam teaches another “gospel”. Islam is to therefore be rejected.

    This is by no means an exhaustive comparison between Islam and Christianity, but please think about this very carefully. In light of the fact that even Mohammed himself did not know for certain what would happen to him in the afterlife, why should I — or any other Christian who knows beyond a doubt that they are guaranteed eternal life through faith in the Jesus of the Bible — give up the Christian faith of Jesus for the Islamic faith of Mohammed which we know will guarantee us nothing? You, too, can have the same guarantee that we as Christians share. All you have to do is believe in and put your faith and trust in Jesus Christ, and Him crucified. Would you be willing to pray with an open heart and ask God to guide you to His truth, even if that truth is found in the Jesus of the Bible, and not in Islam?

    Isaiah 1:18, “Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.”

    Matthew 1:21, “She shall bring forth a son. You shall call his name YESHUA, for it is he who shall save his people from their sins.”

    Isaiah 12:2-4, “Behold, God is my salvation. I will trust, and will not be afraid; for the LORD, the LORD, is my strength and song; and he has become my YESHU’AH. Therefore with joy you shall draw water out of the wells of YESHU’AH. In that day you will say, ‘Give thanks to the LORD! Call on HIS NAME. Declare his doings among the peoples. Proclaim that HIS NAME is exalted!’”

    John 4:14, “… whoever drinks of the water that I [YESHUA] shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.”

    Isaiah 62:11, “Behold, the LORD hath proclaimed unto the end of the world, Say ye to the daughter of Zion, Behold, thy YESHU’AH cometh; behold, HIS reward [is] with HIM, and his work before him.”

    Revelation 22:12, “And behold, I [YESHUA] am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work.”

    John 14:6, “YESHUA said to him, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father, except through Me.'”

    Romans 10:13, “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”

    esa, “joesph was 90 years old and Mary was 12-14 years old that is a fact you disregard. but marriage and sex are not the same thing. Marriage does make sex permissible but does not obligate it.”

    This is factually incorrect. The Bible does not tell us exactly how old Mary and Joseph were, but Mary was possibly in her mid to late teens while Joseph was likely in his mid 30’s. The following article makes a good case as to why Joseph was a young man and that Mary may have been as old as 20 years when Christ was conceived:

    “When there is an older man in the Bible that is going to become a father, the Bible usually reveals that fact.

    Abraham is one example. Genesis 17:15-17 says, ‘And God said unto Abraham, As for Sarai thy wife, thou shalt not call her name Sarai, but Sarah shall her name be. And I will bless her, and give thee a son also of her: yea, I will bless her, and she shall be a mother of nations; kings of people shall be of her. Then Abraham fell upon his face, and laughed, and said in his heart, Shall a child be born unto him that is an hundred years old? and shall Sarah, that is ninety years old, bear?’

    Boaz is another example. Ruth 3:7-11 says, ‘And when Boaz had eaten and drunk, and his heart was merry, he went to lie down at the end of the heap of corn: and she came softly, and uncovered his feet, and laid her down. And it came to pass at midnight, that the man was afraid, and turned himself: and, behold, a woman lay at his feet. And he said, Who art thou? And she answered, I am Ruth thine handmaid: spread therefore thy skirt over thine handmaid; for thou art a near kinsman. And he said, Blessed be thou of the LORD, my daughter: for thou hast shewed more kindness in the latter end than at the beginning, inasmuch as thou followedst not young men, whether poor or rich. And now, my daughter, fear not; I will do to thee all that thou requirest: for all the city of my people doth know that thou art a virtuous woman.’

    Zacharias is another example. Luke 1:5-7 says, ‘There was in the days of Herod, the king of Judaea, a certain priest named Zacharias, of the course of Abia: and his wife was of the daughters of Aaron, and her name was Elisabeth. And they were both righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless. And they had no child, because that Elisabeth was barren, and they both were now well stricken in years.’ Luke 1:13 says, ‘But the angel said unto him, Fear not, Zacharias: for thy prayer is heard; and thy wife Elisabeth shall bear thee a son, and thou shalt call his name John.’

    When the angel Gabriel is talking to Mary about the birth of the Lord Jesus, he mentions the age factor of Elizabeth – but nothing about that in relation to her and Joseph. Luke 1:30-36 says, ‘And the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favour with God. And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name JESUS. He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David: And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end. Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man? And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God. And, behold, thy cousin Elisabeth, she hath also conceived a son in her old age: and this is the sixth month with her, who was called barren.’

    There is no mention at all in the Bible about there being a big difference in the ages of Joseph and Mary. Matthew 1:18-25 says, ‘Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost. Then Joseph her husband, being a just man, and not willing to make her a publick example, was minded to put her away privily. But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost. And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins. Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying, Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us. Then Joseph being raised from sleep did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him, and took unto him his wife: And knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his name JESUS.’

    Liberal thinkers try to say that young girls were married off at extremely young ages in Bible times (like the age you were told, 14), but we do not see that at all as the general rule in Bible times. God Himself set the age of being accountable for life decisions at 20 years old. Numbers 14:28-30 says, ‘Say unto them, As truly as I live, saith the LORD, as ye have spoken in mine ears, so will I do to you: Your carcases shall fall in this wilderness; and all that were numbered of you, according to your whole number, from twenty years old and upward, which have murmured against me, Doubtless ye shall not come into the land, concerning which I sware to make you dwell therein, save Caleb the son of Jephunneh, and Joshua the son of Nun.’ Maybe that is why Jacob was willing to work 7 years for Rachel’s hand in marriage, because she had not quite reached 20 years old, yet. We do not know, because it does not say. Genesis 29:18 says, ‘And Jacob loved Rachel; and said, I will serve thee seven years for Rachel thy younger daughter.’

    The most important decision of life is salvation and then serving the Lord. The next most important decision would be marriage. It is hard to imagine that God would condone the marrying of girls under the age of 20, when He considers that the age when He holds people accountable for their life decisions. After watching young people grow up and leave home, I would never encourage young people to marry before the age of 20 years old. I have seen some young people greatly change after they graduate from school. It is good to wait a few years and see what direction they are really going to choose in life.

    Based upon the fact that God holds young adults accountable from 20 years old and up, God would have never put such an important decision before Mary, as to whether she would be willing to bear the Messiah, unless she was at least 20 years old. God does not violate His own principles. Luke 1:34-38 says, ‘Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man? And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God. And, behold, thy cousin Elisabeth, she hath also conceived a son in her old age: and this is the sixth month with her, who was called barren. For with God nothing shall be impossible. And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word. And the angel departed from her.'” (Source).

    For the sake of argument, even if Mary was in her mid teens when Christ was conceived, this is still a far cry from the “prophet” of Islam who married a 6-year-old child and “consummated” the marriage when she was just 9. In every rational way of thinking, this is pedophilia. And pedophilia is a heinous evil. But in the Muslim way of thinking, if it was perfectly ok in the 7th century according to Islam’s own “perfect man” and “prophet”, then it must be ok in the 21st.

    Qur’an Sura 33:21, “Indeed in Allah’s Messenger (Mohammad) you have an excellent example to follow for him who hopes in (meeting with) Allah and the Last Day…”

    But I will say this to you, esa: If you truly want an excellent example to follow in order to find favor in the sight of God in the Last Day, then you must begin by turning your back on everything that Mohammed taught, and paying much closer attention to the teachings of Jesus Christ as found in the Bible.

    John 14:6, “YESHUA [Jesus] said to him, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father, except through Me.’

    Believe, esa, in Truth. Not in lies.


  13. 07/23/2013 at 5:29 PM

    This is a good example of why I always maintain that NO religion (or other belief system) EVER “deserves” to be respected. They deserve to be publicly scrutinized and debated; and when warranted, publicly criticized, controlled through legislation, or even banned if they prove dangerous enough. These muslim creeps should NOT be allowed to practice the parts of their sick “religion” that causes harm to others, whether it’s marrying children, forcing marriage, oppressing or denying rights to entire demographic groups, or stoning people to death — regardless of what their “holy” books say. It seems to me that the UN (The International Court of Justice; aka, the World Court) should step in and enact some sort of international law that would prevent religions and governments from committing certain crimes against humanity like those mentioned above and others.

    And I keep seeing people comment in various places that all religions should be treated as equal, which is complete nonsense because all religions are NOT the same, and it IS okay to say so. Religions are concepts — belief-systems — they are NOT people; thus, they have no feelings or rights — at all; including a right to equality with their fellow religions. Those that are demonstrably more beneficial to mankind and more peaceful are not “equal” to those that savagely oppress, murder, control, intimidate, brutalize, and deny hundreds of millions of human beings FULL equal status and any or all of their civil and human rights.

    Oh, and just because some goat-herding knucklehead wrote 1,400 years ago that you can marry a child or force one to marry someone, does NOT mean it is right, or that it should be respected, or that it should be allowed. Forget their feelings! I am thinking more of the feelings of those they oppress, control, and brutalize in the name of their disgusting, trashy “religion.”

    Islam IS a trashy “religion” and it deserves to be called that. Yes. It. Does.


    • Shiloh
      07/24/2013 at 10:07 PM

      I agree with some of what you say. As to “NO religion ever deserves to be respected”, that is a HUGE blanket statement, considering the differences in religions. You can choose what you want……and discuss it with the One True Living Creator and Lord, afterwards.


      • 07/25/2013 at 12:31 AM

        I agree, Shiloh. It is a blanket statement, because very often blanket statements are true — even if they upset some people. For example, there are NO “respectable” KKK members.

        And please notice that I said, ‘NO religion (or other belief system) ever “DESERVES” to be respected.’ That means that far too many religious people go around demanding that other people show “respect” to THEIR chosen religion. Some, mostly muslims, DEMAND it under threat. NO ONE owes them that. Ever.

        The quotation marks I used around the word “deserves” simply means that no religion DESERVES (i.e., is OWED) universal, automatic respect from all human beings simply for existing. Again… NO religion is ever OWED (or DESERVES) respect from anyone. Some people will find it pleasing in one way or another in their opinion and will, therefore, CHOOSE to GIVE it their individual respect; but no matter how much THEY choose to respect that particular religion, they can NEVER compel anyone else to feel respect for it. The belief system must PROVE itself respectable to each individual human being in existence, through its doctrines and teachings, and through the consistent behaviors of its followers and persons in leadership. If there ever had been one that fit that criteria (proving itself as universally respectable) then it WOULD be… because everyone would have individually determined long ago in their own hearts that it is so and chosen to freely OFFER it their respect. But that hasn’t happened, and it never will.

        Let me leave you with this quote from one of my recent blog entries:

        Respecting Beliefs and Choices:
        “Don’t be confused. You absolutely have the right to have your personal beliefs and choices “respected” (i.e., allowed to exist; not intruded upon or interfered with) — as long as they’re peaceful, and don’t violate laws or harm anyone else in any way; but you absolutely do not have the right to have your beliefs and choices “respected” (i.e., esteemed; admired; venerated; or shown reverence, consideration, courtesy, admiration, honor, appreciation, deference, or acceptance) by others. No. You. Don’t.”



        • 07/26/2013 at 12:02 AM

          I “LIKE” that! As, I too, do not believe in Religions, for they are ALL “man-made” to serve “man’s ways!” Instead, I choose to follow the “teachings of Jesus Christ”…NOT Scripture!


          Suffice it to say, that the “Prophecy of Jesus Christ”, existed long before Scripture!


  14. ebiere
    07/23/2013 at 8:01 PM

    Asari has appear again. So is time for us to listen to this stack illiterate and school drop out. Asari I dnt blame u, I just blame the day u were given audience. Adult convert still want to talk abt religion. Last time u almost caused chaos in the country now u re back. U bttr watch what u say sometimes jor


  15. Bill
    10/24/2013 at 6:05 AM

    A few non-Muslim stories for you to get your ‘disgusted’ teeth into. X

    Forty-five-year-old millionaire from Florida, Kent Frank, is probably ICE’s biggest catch so far. He is a serial global child sex tourist, who was caught abusing four underage girls in his hotel room in Phnom Penh

    Over 350,000 babies are born to teenage mothers every year in the United States, and over 50,000 of these are second babies to teen mothers.[125] In 1991, underage teen pregnancies were significantly higher.

    The Colorado City/Hildale area has the world’s highest incidence of fumarase deficiency, an extremely rare genetic condition.[89] Geneticists attribute this to the prevalence of cousin marriage between descendants of two of the town’s founders, Joseph Smith Jessop and John Yeates Barlow.[89][90][91][92] It causes encephalopathy, severe mental retardation, unusual facial features, brain malformation, and epileptic seizures

    Washington : The 1790 Naturalization Act provided a means to incorporate foreigners as United States citizens, but was available only to “free white persons” of “good moral character.” Washington signed the 1793 Fugitive Slave Law, the first to provide for the right of slaveholders to recapture slaves even in free states that had abolished slavery


    • 10/24/2013 at 9:59 AM



      • 10/24/2013 at 10:02 AM

        Can someone please explain to me why my previous comments (two of them) were DELETED by Word Press and the dot ( . ) above was accepted. Very frustrating–and confusing!!!


        • 10/24/2013 at 11:32 AM

          It “may” not be WordPress but “Yahoo” itself?

          As I have made posts on various websites that don’t get posted either!


          • 10/24/2013 at 11:43 AM

            Thanks, Bobby. I can’t help wondering if it’s some kind of contrived plan to confuse bloggers. The fact is that after I re-entered my Username and Password I was rejected and forwarded to a new website which wanted me to change my Password and PAY THEM $18.00 to upgrade my Internet Explorer software. Can’t help wondering who’s really out there trying to throw a wrench in the works!


            • 10/24/2013 at 12:25 PM

              I “feel” ‘ya! Isn’t it funny how there are so many “individual” websites publishing the “same” things?

              Everything we “read” and “know” about comes from a select group of, so-called, “resources.” So, what else is “out there?”

              I, for one, have “…NO FREAKIN’ IDEA!”


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