Home > Radical Islam, Wars and Rumors of War > ISIS Caliphate Orders Muslim Employers To Fire All Christian Workers, Cuts Off Water To More Christians

ISIS Caliphate Orders Muslim Employers To Fire All Christian Workers, Cuts Off Water To More Christians

Not only is this Beast preventing Christians from buying or selling, it is also continuing to cut off their main source of water in an effort to force all to bow down to Islam and convert. But these brothers and sisters in Christ who patiently endure will not be moved from the faith of Jesus. Although they are engaged in a flight for survival and the threat of death, the Water they drink is the fountain of everlasting life …

John 4:14, “… whoever drinks of the water that I [YESHUA] shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.”

Isaiah 12:2-4, “Behold, God is my salvation. I will trust, and will not be afraid; for the LORD, the LORD, is my strength and song; and he has become my YESHU’AH. Therefore with joy you shall draw water out of the wells of YESHU’AH. In that day you will say, ‘Give thanks to the LORD! Call on HIS NAME. Declare his doings among the peoples. Proclaim that HIS NAME is exalted!’”

By Jason Motlagh, Bloomberg Businessweek – “Qaraqosh is one of the last refuges in northern Iraq for Christians fleeing persecution by the militants of Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant, who swept into the region in June. A historic Christian city of 50,000 about 19 miles southeast of Mosul, Qaraqosh is under the formidable protection of the well-armed Peshmerga — the Kurdish fighters whose autonomous region disputes the area with both ISIL and the Iraqi central government based in Baghdad. Now, in a further effort to oust Christians from land they have inhabited for two millennia, the Islamic militants have begun turning off a precious utility: water.

Since taking Mosul on June 10, ISIL militants have squeezed Qaraqosh and nearby Christian villages by blocking the pipes that connect the communities with the Tigris river. Without a sufficient number of deep wells to fill the gap, the city must have water trucked in, at huge cost, from Kurdish-controlled areas just 15 miles away. Since ISIL took over key refineries in northern Iraq, the price of fuel has spiked across the region. The parched residents of Qaraqosh must pay about $10 every other day to fill up emergency water tanks, no small sum in this economically depressed part of Iraq.

Outside one of the town’s 12 churches, people queue from 6 a.m. until midnight to get their daily rations from a well. Flatbed trucks are joined by children with pushcarts and riders on bicycles bearing empty jugs. ‘Our lives revolve around water,’ says Laith, 28, a school teacher who returned with his family a day earlier from a suburb of Erbil, the Kurdish regional capital, 45 miles away, to which thousands of threatened Christians have migrated. Though aid agencies have erected several water depots around town, supplies are limited, barely enough to sustain large families in the 100-degree-plus heat. Plans to dig new wells will take at least several months to fulfill.

Christians have been fleeing ISIL-controlled territory since the militants and their allies overwhelmed the garrisons of the Baghdad government in Mosul, Iraq’s second-largest city and its most Christian. The Islamic State, which sees itself as the restoration of the caliphate to rule all Muslims, immediately imposed anti-Christian rules, ordering Muslim employers to fire Christian workers. The homes of Christian religious leaders were ransacked and occupied by militants. A Christian population as old as the faith shrank from 3,000 families to several hundred in weeks.

On July 18, ISIL ordered non-Muslims to convert or pay a tax last imposed during the Ottoman empire. If not, they would face ‘death by the sword,’ according to a decree that was read out in city mosques and broadcast from loudspeakers around town.” Read more.

Revelation 14:12, “Here is the patience of the saints; here are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.”

Flashback: ISIS Caliphate Forbids Government Workers From Giving Food Rations To Christians – “ISIS has ordered government workers to stop giving rations to Christians and Shiites in Mosul, according to a report by Younes Thonon for ankawa.com. The official in charge of distributing rations in the Rifaq neighborhood said he had received orders from ISIS to cut the rations. Mr. Fadel Younis, the official in charge for the Kifaat neighborhood, said that he had received a similar order and a threat from ISIS, and was warned that if he gives rations to Christians and Shiites he will be charged and prosecuted according to sharia law.” Read more.

Flashback: Iraq: ISIS Stops Christians From Selling Homes, Kills Real Estate Agents For Doing Business With Them – “The Assyrians have been prevented by Daash from selling their homes. Daash has killed real estate agents who do business with Christians. Unidentified gunmen assassinated the owner of the Zouhour Real Estates agency after he brokered the sale of a Christian house. Speaking on condition of anonymity, a source at the Nineveh Operation Command said that ‘ten real estate agents have been killed between 2013 and 2014, most recently the owner of El Nour Realty Office in the region of Mouhandiseen after he was kidnapped and beheaded for selling the house of a Christian family.’” Read more.

  1. 07/22/2014 at 1:50 PM

    Muslims think they are doing the work of God that Jesus would do? Jesus gives good not restricting good from people. God gives all good things from above. ISIS, do the same thing.


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