Home > Radical Islam, Wars and Rumors of War > ISIS Orders All Christian Business Assets Over To Islamic State, Turns Christian Homes Into Bomb Factories

ISIS Orders All Christian Business Assets Over To Islamic State, Turns Christian Homes Into Bomb Factories

And if you try to do business with Christians or anyone else they deem heretical, you may end up paying the ultimate price. For peaceful purposes …

“The honor of Islam lies in insulting the unbelief and the unbelievers (kafirs). One who respects kafirs dishonors Muslims… The real purpose of levying the Jizya on them is to humiliate them… [and] they remain terrified and trembling.” – Islamic Jihad: A Legacy of Forced Conversion, Imperialism and Slavery by M. A. Khan

Qur’an Sura 58:20, “Those who resist Allah and His Messenger will be among those most humiliated.”

ISIS Marked Christian Homes With “N” (Nasara in Arabic) To Identify The Home As Belonging To Nazarenes (Christians). These Homes Now Belong To The “Islamic State.”

ISIS Marked Christian Homes With “N” (Nasara in Arabic) To Identify The Home As Belonging To Nazarenes (Christians). These Homes Now Belong To The “Islamic State.”

AINA – “The Arabic language Alsumaria News is reporting that ISIS has ordered all Sunni businesses with Christian and Shiite partners to deliver the non-Sunni share of the business to the Islamic State. ISIS gave a two day deadline to comply with the order, else all assets would be confiscated.

According to the report, ISIS has a complete list of of businesses with Christian and Shiite partners.

ISIS is now charging tariffs on all goods entering the Nineveh Province. Goods deemed offensive to Islam are seized and destroyed.

In other news, ISIS has removed all clothes from department stores in Mosul and imposed the Afghan style of clothing on the city. ISIS has also segregated male and female students at the University of Mosul, changed the curriculum and renamed the Fine Arts college to ‘Text Decoration.'” Source – AINA.

ISIS Using Christian Homes In Mosul As Factories For Explosive Devices – “A number of Mosul residents have said that ISIS has turned Christians homes into factories for improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and car bombs. In interviews with ankawa.com, residents confirmed that ISIS are now searching for Christians homes containing hiding places and shelters, since they are expecting ground forces backed by the Iraqi government to begin clearing operations in the city.

A resident said ISIS is using a Christian home in the Hadbaa neighborhood for manufacturing IEDs. He sees them on a daily basis as they bring welding machines to the house and install various extensions to cars. Another resident said that many ISIS terrorists are using a house belonging to a Christian who used to work in the Nineveh Province as their headquarters, engaging in welding and blacksmith projects. He sees many cars that come on and go, including pickup trucks full of mortar rounds and explosives with exposed wires.” Source – AINA.

  1. 09/17/2014 at 10:00 PM

    ISIS and Hitler are the same. How can ISIS be good?


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