Home > Radical Islam, Wars and Rumors of War > “We Have A Duty To Defend Them”: Al Qaeda Rallies Support For ISIS, Calls Upon Muslims Everywhere To Kill As Many Americans As Possible

“We Have A Duty To Defend Them”: Al Qaeda Rallies Support For ISIS, Calls Upon Muslims Everywhere To Kill As Many Americans As Possible

ISIS. Al Qaeda. Boko Haram. Hamas. You name it. When it comes to “defending” like-minded serial killers, they don’t fight on behalf of their Muslim brothers because they all love each other. They fight on behalf of their Muslim brothers because they all love death …

Proverbs 8:35-36, “For whoever finds Me finds life, And obtains favor from the LORD … All those who hate Me love death.”

By Anthony Kimery, HS Today – “Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) expressed solidarity with jihadists in Iraq — pledging to kill as many Americans as possible — and called on all Islamic jihadist organizations and Muslims everywhere to do the same, especially in the United States.

In an August 14 communiqué, AQAP said the US is leading a war against Muslims and that Osama Bin Laden and Ayman Al Zawahiri ‘always advised to crush the head of the American serpent, in order to make it easier to eliminate its agents, the leaders of the Muslim countries.’

In its message, AQAP assured jihadists fighting with the Islamic State in Iraq that experience teaches that airstrikes ‘cannot defeat those who place their trust in Allah,’ and that jihad continues from generation to generation.

‘It should be noted that this communiqué, like the August 12, video by AQAP’s mufti, Sheikh Ibrahim Al Rubaish, indicates AQAP support for the IS (though this organization is not mentioned by name),’ said the Middle East Media Research Institute which monitors jihadist websites. ‘At the same time, here too the organization is careful to maintain a balance between the IS and Al Qaeda by mentioning Al Qaeda leaders bin Laden and Al Zawahiri as sources of authority and guiding lights.’

The following are excerpts from the communiqué, posted on the jihadi website alplatformmedia.com.

‘The Muslim ummah is currently suffering a series of grave events. It is facing difficult challenges and [dangerous] conspiracies… The war of the infidel nations against Islam is constant … At the present time, the leader of [this] war is the US, who has borne the banner and raised the Cross and has done everything in its power to weaken Islam and humiliate the Muslims. It is putting everything it has into this war and spilling the blood of Muslims.

‘The [US’s] latest action was to launch drones against our Muslim brethren in Iraq, with groundless and stupid excuses. We ask: Why didn’t the US try to save hundreds of thousands of Sunnis when Al-Maliki hurled barrel bombs into Falluja, Diyala and Mosul? Where were Obama’s human feelings and moral considerations when Al-Maliki’s Shi’ite government committed aggression against [Iraq’s] Sunnis, spilled their blood and harmed their honor for all to see? It’s no surprise [that the US did not intervene to help them]. The Muslims have not forgotten and will not soon forget the crimes that the US and its army committed in Iraq at the time of the [US] occupation … It is the policy of the lying and hypocritical US-led West to protect infidel sects against the Muslims and to apply a double standard vis-a-vis the nations. The Jews’ aggression against Gaza [is considered] self-defense, [but] the mujahideen’s advance in Iraq is a dangerous attack on the rights of minorities; jihad against the US and its allies in the West and East is terrorism and violence, whereas infidels attacking, persecuting and killing Muslims is noble and honorable [activity] that enjoys international support and assistance.

‘Obama’s declaration of war on the Muslims in Iraq, and his subsequent airstrikes on the mujahideen, prove that the Zionist-Crusader enemy is still the most dangerous enemy of the Muslim ummah. [This enemy] sometimes goes into hiding, but when its agents [in the region] are too defeated or weak to do its bidding according to its will, it is compelled to act in the open in order to protect its interests, which [involve] robbing the Muslim peoples … That is why Sheikh Osama [bin Laden] and after him [Ayman] Al-Zawahiri always advised to crush the head of the American serpent, in order to make it easier to eliminate its agents, the leaders of the Muslim countries.

‘Hence, we declare our solidarity with our Muslim brethren in Iraq in [their struggle against] this Crusade. Their blood is our blood, their wound is in our hearts, and we have a duty to defend them. With Allah’s help, we will employ every means to cause the US as many casualties as possible, as part of jihad for the sake of Allah and in order to realize what our Sheikh Osama [bin Laden] vowed [to achieve].'” Read more.


  1. 08/16/2014 at 5:08 PM

    ISIS is most definitively not godly. What other choice is there? Muslims of all people need to be treated like the person caught picking up sticks in the bible. It seems innocuous, but the person had deveious intent. God knew it. That is why he said what he said. Muslims seem to be innocuous too saying they are what they are not. The Quran when known confirms it. Muslim’s need to repent to keep from being eternal ashes.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. 08/16/2014 at 6:45 PM

    Kill, kill, kill, that’s all their god and master knows. Thank God, our Lord and Savior Jesus died at the hands of ungodly men to save men from their sins…..if only they would seek Him. Sigh


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