Home > Radical Islam, Wars and Rumors of War > Fowl: Turkey To Send Another Jihad Flotilla To Gaza, This Time With Troops

Fowl: Turkey To Send Another Jihad Flotilla To Gaza, This Time With Troops

What could possibly go wrong? Again? …

“The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers …” – Islamic poem quoted by Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan

By Robert Spencer, Jihad Watch – “The people on the Mavi Marmara flotilla were genocidal Jew-hating jihadis, as you can see in the second video above: they were chanting a jihad war cry recalling Muhammad’s massacre of the Jews of Arabia: ‘Khaybar, Khaybar, O Jews, the army of Muhammad will return.’ See the photos here of their weapons.

And now Turkish troops will be accompanying a new jihad flotilla to Gaza. Will they attack Israeli troops?

‘Turkey to send another Freedom Flotilla to Gaza,’ Middle East Monitor, July 26, 2014:

The Turkish humanitarian relief organisation (IHH) is currently organising a “Freedom Flotilla II” which will carry humanitarian aid to the besieged Gaza Strip, IHH chairman Bulent Yildrim said Thursday.

In statements to Gulf Online, Yildrim said that his organisation has embarked on legal procedures and paperwork required to obtain a permit for the trip. As soon as a final permit is issued, the IHH along with other international organisations will immediately set up the convoy.

The chairman of IHH, a major organiser of the Gaza Freedom Flotilla I, said that Turkish army troops will accompany the ships to protect it from any potential attack, pointing out that his organisation demanded the government to provide protection for them as Turkish citizens.

Maze Keheil, the president of the European Campaign for Lifting the Siege on Gaza, confirmed his campaign’s intention to take part in the new flotilla, as it did in first one in 2010.

Source – Jihad Watch.

  1. 07/29/2014 at 12:18 PM

    When the Muslims see this war will end. God is to our eyes unseen. The principality of darkness is also unseen. How can the seen get rid of the unseen? How can the seen affect the unseen at all? Unseen evil wants the seen to think it can overcome evil that is unseen. Muslims are deceived. Muslims have evil that is unseen in them. Stop warring, stop feeding the devil. The Quran has the devil in it saying, feed me, feed me.


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