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Why Does The US State Department Turn A Blind Eye To Countries Persecuting Christians?

Take a look at who’s in the White House and you’ll know why. When the US President goes out of his way to covertly recruit Muslims as US diplomats and even appoints a pro-terror Islamist to represent America at a UN Human Rights Conference, the question already answers itself …

“Religion which requires persecution to sustain, it is of the devil’s propagation.” – Hosea Ballou

By Brian Pellot, Charisma News – “Secretary of State John Kerry should cite 16 countries for severe violations of religious freedom, the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom recommended Wednesday in its 15th annual report.

The State Department’s ‘Countries of Particular Concern’ list has remained static since 2006, when eight countries — Burma, China, Eritrea, Iran, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Uzbekistan — were designated as CPCs.

USCIRF, an independent watchdog panel created by Congress to review international religious freedom conditions, criticized the government’s unchanged list of CPCs and sanctions against them, claiming such measures have ‘provided little incentive for CPC-designated governments to reduce or halt egregious violations of religious freedom.’

‘The past 10 years have seen a worsening of the already-poor religious freedom environment in Pakistan, a continued dearth of religious freedom in Turkmenistan, backsliding in Vietnam, rising violations in Egypt before and after the Arab Spring, and Syria’s descent into a sectarian civil war with all sides perpetrating egregious religious freedom violations. Yet no new countries have been added to the State Department’s CPC list,’ the report states.

USCIRF recommended that the CPC list be expanded to include these countries along with Iraq, Nigeria and Tajikistan. USCIRF’s 2013 report made similar recommendations, with the noteworthy addition this year of Syria.” Read more.

Flashback: The Panderer-In-Chief

  1. 05/05/2014 at 5:43 PM

    Again, Obama failed to mention that around the world, the killing of Christians is growing out of control. If Obama just meant within the United States, the FBI reports a decline of attacks on Muslim, Hindu and Sikh and an increase of attacks on Christians. So where does he gets his findings from, his Muslims beliefs or Al-taqiyya? US President Barack Obama: “Even today, South Asian Americans, especially those who are Muslim, Hindu and Sikh, are targets of suspicion and violence,” Obama said in a presidential proclamation that recognized the contribution of Asian-Americans in the socio-political and economic milieu of the country. Friday, May 02, 2014


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    05/06/2014 at 6:40 PM

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    Why Does The US State Department Turn A Blind Eye To Countries Persecuting Christians?


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