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‘Little Muslim Caliphates’: Native French Under Attack In Muslim-Controlled Parts Of France

Lawlessness. For peaceful purposes …

By Dale Hurt, CBN – “Violent crime can happen anywhere and to anyone and for many reasons, but in Muslim-controlled parts of France, it has become especially dangerous to be white.

Surveillance camera video shows white French being beaten up by predominantly Muslim immigrant gangs in the Metro and on the street.

Islamic immigrants consider it their territory and whites enter at their own risk. The French call them ‘sensitive urban zones’ — no-go zones where the police don’t enter or don’t enforce the law.

Some call them little Muslim caliphates inside the borders of France.

‘And it’s like that because these parts of the country are in the hands of drug traffickers, gangs and imams [Islamic leaders],’ French commentator Guy Milliere explained.

A French report says almost 1 in 5 French have been victims of racist insults or worse. A few cases have even gone to trial.

‘Some of those who launch racist attacks on whites use Islam as the reason they do it. They may not even speak Arabic, but they still use Islam as a ‘flag,” Tarik Yildiz, a French sociologist, said.

Yildiz, author of the book, Anti-White Racism, is not native French but is the son of Turkish immigrants.

‘My book is viewed as politically incorrect and breaks a taboo: the idea that immigrants could oppress whites,’ Yildez said.” Read more.

Flashback: Au Revoir: Islam Set To Become Dominant Religion In France – “New research suggests there are now more practising Muslims in France than practising Catholics. While 64 percent of French people describe themselves as Roman Catholic, only 2.9 percent of the population actually practice the Catholic faith. That compares to 3.8 percent of the population who practice the Muslim faith… There is also further evidence that mosques are being erected at a much faster rate than Catholic churches. Mohammed Moussaoui, President of the Muslim Council of France, last month estimated that 150 new mosques are currently under construction across the country. By contrast, the Catholic Church in France has built only 20 new churches during the past decade, and has formally closed more than 60 churches. Many of these are now destined to become mosques …” Read more.

Flashback: Imams’ Indoctrinating French Muslims With Culture Of Hate, Racism – “… French Jewish artist Ron Agam told the Algemeiner that, ‘It is about time now for the French authorities to radically search for these Imams and put a stop to the brainwashing on tens of thousands of Muslim kids in France.’ ‘It is unacceptable that this culture of racism and antisemitism is being tolerated by a significant number of the Muslim community, this culture must stop,’ he concluded.” Read more.

Flashback: Expert: Large European Cities Overwhelmed by Muslim Population – “Muslim population in many big European cities already exceeds 20%, according to Alex Alexiev, an expert in international security and radical Islam and visiting fellow at the Hudson Institute, Washington, D.C. In his words, however, what is especially worrying is that these Muslims are getting radicalized. The expert reckons that almost all Western European countries are marked by a high degree of radicalization.” Read more.

Categories: Radical Islam
  1. 04/10/2014 at 3:57 PM

    sounds a lot like what is happening in Michigan USA


  2. 04/10/2014 at 10:40 PM

    Their ‘solution’ is the same as the Nazi’s ‘final solution.’


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