Home > Good News, Radical Islam > Muslim Convert To Christianity Prays For The Men Stoning Him

Muslim Convert To Christianity Prays For The Men Stoning Him

Matthew 5:43-46a, “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what reward have you?”

Charisma News – “In a country that stresses religious freedom, it is often difficult for Americans to understand what it means to live and die for faith. Global Advance reports about Pastor Ibrahím, a man who knows firsthand the dangers of pursuing God.

Ibrahím lives in a community of radical Muslims. His country, unnamed for security reasons, is one of the ‘-stan’ nations, all of which are Islamic countries in which the persecution of Christians is not uncommon. The region, in general, is charged with violence.

When Ibrahím converted to Christianity, his Muslim friends decided it was necessary to kill him. It was their ‘sacred duty’ to stop the spread of Christianity, and this was the way to do it.

His friends informed him he could say goodbye to his wife before they stoned him. Ibrahím chose to keep the situation from his wife and told her he would be right back. He did not want to risk her life or alarm her.

The friends took the new Christian to the local dump. There they began beating him. One man picked up a large rock to complete the act of murder by hitting Ibrahím in the head. At this, Ibrahím launched aloud into prayer for his abusers and their children.

His prayer was not in vain.

The man holding the rock dropped it and yelled, ‘I cannot kill the man that is proclaiming blessing over my children!’ God was watching over His faithful child.

Many Christians around the world experience similar situations every day. Unfortunately, their stories don’t always end the way Ibrahím’s did.

According to one of Global Advance’s sources, February 2012 saw a 309 percent growth in Christian-targeted terrorist attacks in Africa, the Middle East and Asia.

Pray for continued strength for Christians who are persecuted and for the increase of their faith. Pray for the success of the gospel in these countries so resistant to it.” Source – Charisma News.

A Few Simple Questions For Muslim Visitors – “… Does the Jesus of the Qur’an also teach this?  Does even Mohammed — the prophet of Islam — teach anywhere in the Qur’an or Hadith to love and pray for one’s enemies?  To the contrary, the Qur’an teaches that Muslims must war against non-Muslims.  That Muslims are not even permitted to befriend Jews and Christians.  The Hadith teaches that Jews and Christians can and will be forced to submit to Islam, or one day experience mass slaughter for the glory of Allah if they refuse.  It is no coincidence therefore that Jesus also forewarned us that ‘the time is coming when those who kill you will think they are doing a holy service for God’ (John 16:2b).  Christians are being persecuted and killed by Muslims in increasing measure today in the name of Allah, yet even despite this many Christians still choose to respond to their Muslim aggressors with forgiveness …” Read more.

  1. 10/09/2013 at 11:29 PM



    • Bro. Nick
      08/27/2014 at 6:19 PM

      Now that is an example of true CHRISTianity being shown ‘in action’ by a truly faithful believer and follower of “the Lord Jesus Christ” ! ! !
      “For this God is our God for ever and ever: he will be our guide even unto death.”
      (Ps 48:14 – KJV)

      How few of “the remnant”, the truly “converted”, “born again” believers and followers of “Jesus the Christ” – let alone the vast majority that call themselves ‘christians’ – here in Apathetic, Complacent, and ever more rapidly Apostate ‘Amerika’ – and other ‘westernized countries’ – will actually remember to depend upon “the Lord God Almighty” and obey His commands if we are personally in life threatening tribulation and Persecution – like what our CHRISTian Brothers and Sisters in over 110 countries – RIGHT NOW – TODAY?
      Will we effectually and fervently for “the Lord God Almighty” help us and humble ourselves – depending only upon Him in our hour of real need:
      “Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.”
      (Eph 6:10 – KJV)
      Eph 6:10-20 | 2 Cor 10:3-5 | James 4:6-12 (KJV) all go together – this has been a big help to me – Bro. Nick

      CHRISTians – PLEASE read, study, remember and pray about what “Jesus Christ” personally said to the church of the Laodiceans in Revelation 3:19 – KJV” ! ! !

      and pray often, with great sincerity, effectually and fervently, and in real humility for the protection of “the Lord God Almighty”

      – for all CHRISTians – in the MID-EAST, and wherever else we live
      (the ‘Big Satan’ of the Mohammadens)

      – for all of the JEWISH people and the land of ISRAEL
      (the ‘Little Satan’ of the Mohammadens)

      – and for MANY LOST people everywhere to accept the “free gift” of Biblical Salvation!!!

      “The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward,
      not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” (2 Pet 3:9 and 1 Tim 2:4 – KJV)


  2. 10/10/2013 at 10:16 AM

    Here’s a thought–skip ahead 20 years from today. Barring the intervention of the Almighty, Islam has now become firmly entrenched in the constitutions of ALL “Western civilizations”. Nigeria, India, all of Africa, all of Europe, all of South America, all Islands of the Seas; to and including the former United States of America (now renamed The United Islamic Caliphate). Islam has shut down (actually burned down) all Christian churches, the remainder of which have now become mosques. The screeching of the islamic “call to prayer” is now blaringly nauseously interrupting the work schedules of people everywhere. Industry has practically come to a complete standstill. People are afraid to look each other in the eye for fear their hatred of islam will be detected. Beheadings and gross bloodshed is rampant. Women no longer have the right to vote, or own property, or wear jewelry, or wear swim-wear of any kind. They cannot drive cars, cannot be seen in public without the permission and accompaniment of their slave owners–ahemmm–I mean “husbands”. Many women walk the streets with permanent disfigurements such as acid burnings, severed limbs, and mutilated genitalia. All “men” are answerable to the leader of the local mosque, under penalty of death. Children are forced to recite excruciatingly long texts from the koran under the threat of physical torture and/ or death. Schoolrooms cannot teach world history without slanting everything to promote mohammedism. Children are born in islamic maternity clinics and most parents never even know whether they had a boy or a girl because the children are taken immediately from the parents without so much as allowing the child to suckle at its mother’s breasts.
    In short, the whole world is becoming, and closely resembles, an episode of ‘The Walking Dead”. There is no music, no art of any kind, architecture now resembles some kind of Middle-Eastern mud-brick construction (except for the mosques–which have somehow managed to flourish extravagantly, that is, until the sale of Middle-Eastern oil took a tumble due to the discontinuation of the manufacture of most automobiles).
    Ahemmm! Heard enough??? EVEN SO COME, LORD JESUS!!!!!


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