Home > Radical Islam, Wars and Rumors of War > Belgium: Muslim Politicians Win Municipal Elections In Brussels, Vow To Turn Belgium Into Islamic State Ruled By Sharia Law

Belgium: Muslim Politicians Win Municipal Elections In Brussels, Vow To Turn Belgium Into Islamic State Ruled By Sharia Law

Europe is making its own bed to sleep in, and America isn’t too far behind

By Soeren Kern, Gatestone Institute – “Two Muslim politicians, who just won municipal elections in Belgium’s capital, Brussels, on October 14, have vowed to implement Islamic Sharia law in Belgium.

The two candidates, Lhoucine Aït Jeddig and Redouane Ahrouch, both from the fledgling Islam Party, won seats in two heavily Islamized municipalities of Brussels, Molenbeek-Saint-Jean and Anderlecht, respectively.

During a post-election press conference in Brussels on October 25, the two future councilors, who will be officially sworn in on December 3, said they regard their election as key to the assertion of the Muslim community in Belgium.

‘We are elected Islamists but above all we are Muslims,’ Ahrouch said. ‘Islam is compatible with the laws of the Belgian people. As elected Muslims, we embrace the Koran and the tradition of the Prophet Mohammed. We believe Islam is a universal religion. Our presence on the town council will give us the opportunity to express ourselves,’ said Ahrouch, who refuses to shake hands or make eye contact with females in public.

A one-hour video of the press conference in French has been posted on YouTube. At one point in the video (0:07:40) Ahrouch, 42, says he will strive to make sure that the town council’s ‘motions and solutions are durable and definitive and will emanate from Islam.’

Ahrouch, who was sentenced to six months in prison in 2003 for the assault and battery of his disabled wife, also spends considerable time talking about ethics in politics and ‘respect for the other.’

Elsewhere in the video (0:25:40), Aït Jeddig, 50, commends Islam as having paved the way for ‘the emergence of European civilization.’ (He makes no mention of Europe’s Judeo-Christian or Greek-Roman roots.)” Read more.

Flashback: Belgium: ‘Religion Of Peace’ Leader Arrested After Calling For Muslims To Attack Non-Muslims – “The spokesman of a Belgian radical Islamist group, Sharia4Belgium, was arrested on Thursday for posting an Internet video urging attacks on non-Muslims after a woman was detained in Brussels for wearing a face veil. Fouad Belkacem, also known as Abu Imran, was arrested in Antwerp and remanded in custody on suspicion of breaking anti-discrimination laws and inciting violence. ‘He posted a video message on YouTube in which he called on his brothers and sisters to fight against non-believers,’ said a spokesman for the Antwerp prosecutor.” Read more.

Flashback: Belgium: Authorities Cope To Struggle With Muslim Crime Wave – “New Europe reported a recent incident that occurred on the streets of Brussels which raised questions as to the true integration of the Muslim population in an already divded country. Crime in EU’s capital has been growing as well as minority popoulation. Integration of Muslims into Belgium culture has been extremely difficult. With a rapidly growing population, the capital of Belgium – and of the EU – is already one of the most multicultural in Europe. Muslims are already a majority in some neighborhoods.” Read more.

  1. coffeeandsleeplessnights
    11/09/2012 at 3:45 PM
  2. 11/09/2012 at 3:50 PM

    ‘In Flanders Fields’
    In Flanders fields the poppies blow
    Between the crosses, row on row,
    That mark our place; and in the sky
    The larks, still bravely singing, fly
    Scarce heard amid the guns below.

    We are the Dead. Short days ago
    We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
    Loved and were loved, and now we lie
    In Flanders fields.

    Take up our quarrel with the foe:
    To you from failing hands we throw
    The torch; be yours to hold it high.
    If ye break faith with us who die
    We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
    In Flanders fields
    –Lt Col McCrae, 1919

    ‘Flanders Today’
    In Flanders Fields, a new people nurture a ruby poppy,
    And there are no more crosses and stars on the plain,
    And the larks and sparrows are shooed away
    From the opium papaver in rows and rows
    In Flanders Fields.
    –Albert, weary weeping watchman, 9 Nov 2012


  3. 11/09/2012 at 4:46 PM

    What ‘s had to see?


  4. admin
    11/09/2012 at 7:11 PM

    Reblogged this on .


  5. 11/10/2012 at 7:14 AM

    Reblogged this on Latter Times News and commented:


    • 11/10/2012 at 10:43 PM

      We’ll see if the elites make it to get down to their DUMBs after the 6th seal is opened (Rev. 6:15).
      Abert, www


  6. sam
    10/01/2013 at 11:41 PM

    kudos to muslims participating in the democratic process


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