Home > Radical Islam, Wars and Rumors of War > Spain: Muslim Mob Attacks Man In Tarrasa Park For Walking Dog, Then Attack Police Who Come To Help Him

Spain: Muslim Mob Attacks Man In Tarrasa Park For Walking Dog, Then Attack Police Who Come To Help Him

This coordinated attack by Islamists was planned because dogs are considered an ‘impure animal.’ Judging from the actions of this mob, however, the only impure animals present were the ones doing all the attacking …

“A group of Muslims beat up a young Spaniard in a park in Tarrasa for walking his dog and injured two policemen who tried to help him.

Sunday, July the 29 – As every morning, the 27 years old man was peacefully walking his dogs in Font Breda Square, in the San Lorenzo neighborhood. As on other occasions, he was being accompanied by his 50 year old mother. The night before, his cousin had been walking her pet in the same square, when a group of Muslim women reproached her for walking near them with an ‘impure animal’. They began to quarrel and the Muslim women attacked her, after which she had to be treated in a hospital. After the incident, she filed a complaint against them.

It looks like following this incident some Muslims were waiting in ambush for the family. So last Sunday, when the young man and his mother appeared in the square, some 50 Muslims were already waiting for them. With no previous word, they beat him up and almost killed the dog.

Then the first police car with two officers appeared there, but due to the high number of Muslims, they had to call for reinforcement. 6 more police cars appeared. But far from being daunted, the Muslims challenged the police, and they even attacked them.” Read more.

Flashback: Radical Islam Spreading In Spain – Two Islamists Murder Two Fellow Muslims For Not Being Radical Enough – “Two Islamists have been arrested in Spain on charges of torturing and murdering two fellow Muslims for ‘abandoning radical Islam.’… Spanish authorities say the incidents — on top of many others in recent months — point to the accelerating spread in the country of radical Salafi Islam… increasingly posing the greatest threat to national security.” Read more.

Flashback: Spanish Town Becoming ‘New Mecca of the Most Radical Islamism’ – “The municipality of Salt, a town near Barcelona where Muslim immigrants now make up 40% of the population, has approved a one-year ban on the construction of new mosques. It is the first ban of its kind in Spain. The moratorium follows public outrage over plans to build a massive Salafi mosque that is being financed by Saudi Arabia. Salafism is a branch of revivalist Islam that calls for restoring past Muslim glory by forcibly re-establishing an Islamic empire (Caliphate) across the Middle East, North Africa and parts of Europe such as Spain, which Salafists view as a Muslim state that must be reconquered for Islam.” Read more.

Flashback: Islam Lays Seige To Spain: Arson – Murder – Rape – Pillage – Riots – City Council and Mayor Cower – “The town of Salt, Spain has been besieged by riots, burnings, murder, rape and pillage, at the hands of hundreds of Morroccan Muslim immigrants. As you will see if you watch the video, the Spanish women of Salt cannot go out of their homes after 8:00 p.m., for fear of becoming rape victims. As one woman in the video puts it succinctly, they are ‘scared sh**less’.” Read more.

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