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Terrorists Praise Brotherhood Win In Egypt, Obama Congratulates And Looks Forward To Advancing ‘Many Shared Interests’

AFP – “Palestinians in Gaza celebrated on Sunday, as Muslim Brotherhood candidate Mohamed Morsi was named winner of Egypt’s presidential election, with Hamas hailing a ‘historic moment.’

And the Palestinian Authority in charge of the West Bank issued its own congratulations to Morsi, who is set to become Egypt’s first post-uprising president.

Senior Hamas official Mahmud Zahar told AFP that the victory was ‘a historic moment and a new era in the history of Egypt,’ as Gazans cheered and fired volleys of celebratory gunfire in the streets of the Palestinian territory.

The Hamas Islamist movement that rules the Gaza Strip has long-standing ties with the Muslim Brotherhood, and grew from the Egyptian organisation that saw its candidate win 51.73 percent of the vote to defeat ex-prime minister Ahmed Shafiq.

Zahar called Morsi’s victory ‘a defeat for the programme of normalisation and security cooperation with the enemy,’ referring to Israel.” Read more.

White House Congratulates Egypt’s Morsi, Looks Forward To Advancing ‘Many Shared Interests’  – “The White House congratulated Egypt’s president-elect Mohamed Morsi on his victory in that country’s presidential election, calling it a ‘milestone’ in the country’s transition to democracy. President Obama called Morsi Sunday evening, telling him that the United States would stand by Egypt in its transitional period — and said that he looked forward to working together. ‘We look forward to working together with President-elect Morsi and the government he forms, on the basis of mutual respect, to advance the many shared interests between Egypt and the United States,’ press secretary Jay Carney said in a statement.” Read more.

Flashback: Where are the Muslim Brotherhood and the Obama Administration Taking America? – “Disturbing reports are coming out of Washington, D.C. These reports reveal the depth of the below-the-surface coordination between the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), Hamas, Hezbollah, the Iranian regime and the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Syria, Tunisia, Libya and Jordan. This bloc of regimes and organizations is now becoming the greatest Islamist radical lobby ever to penetrate and infiltrate the White House, Congress, the State Department and the main decision making centers of the US government. All of this is happening at a time when the US government is going through its most strategically dangerous period in modern times because of its need to confront the Iranian Mullahs regime, which is expanding in the Middle East, as well as penetrating the United States, via powerful and influential allies.” Read more.

Flashback: Three Muslim Brotherhood Members Employed by the White House, Influencing Policies of President Obama – “Rashad Hussain is Obama’s special envoy to the 52-nation Organization of the Islamic Conference. His background is entrenched in the Muslim Brotherhood… Dalia Mogahed is a speech writer and chief advisor on Islamic affairs for Barack Obama. Numerous sites provide information that show Ms. Mogahed is pro-Sharia and deeply entrenched with the Muslim Brotherhood and its offshoot, Muslim American Society… Azizah al-Hibri was appointed by the president to the Commission on International Religious Freedom. She is an intellectual professor and lawyer who defends Islamic law. She once served on the advisory board for Mohammed Alamoudi of the American Muslim Council, defending Alamoudi even after he made public statements supporting terrorism.” Read more.

  1. iamnotashamedofthegospelofchrist
    06/24/2012 at 10:00 PM

    Sometimes I am just in shock at the way things are unfolding. I don’t know why, I know the prophecies, but watching them unfold is, well there is no words to describe. I can imagine how the disciples felt watching everything unfold, and now we get to watch on the other end of that spectrum. Let not your heart be troubled.


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