Home > Radical Islam, Wars and Rumors of War > Denmark: Four Tourists Wandering Into An Apparent Muslim ‘No-Go Zone’ Are Viciously Attacked By Muslims For Visiting ‘Their Area’

Denmark: Four Tourists Wandering Into An Apparent Muslim ‘No-Go Zone’ Are Viciously Attacked By Muslims For Visiting ‘Their Area’

Translated by Nicolai Sennels, via Jihad Watch – “A man in his twenties was stabbed three times in the stomach with a knife when he and three female friends were assaulted on Nørrebro in Copenhagen.

‘He was stabbed once in the right side and twice on the left side,’ says Frank Blem-Nielsen from the Copenhagen Police to bt.dk.

The victim has undergone surgery at the hospital, but is reported now out of danger.

The four tourists from different places in Denmark – three men and one woman, all in their early twenties – visited Copenhagen in connection with a music concert. In their search for the center of Copenhagen, they strayed into Nørrebro. As they crossed the People’s Park, the car was surrounded by a group of immigrants.

‘They were pulled out of their car by a group of 10-12 men. One (the man) was stabbed with a knife in the stomach. The others (the three women) were beaten with fists, but have not sustained serious injuries,’ says Frank Blem-Nielsen.

People’s Park is home to Blågårds gang who see it as their area.” Read more (Danish).

Flashback: Muslim Gangs Terrorize Denmark, ‘With Islam Comes Fear, And With Fear Comes Power’ – “More than 140 Muslim gang members were arrested in Denmark after they tried to raid a courthouse where two fellow Muslims are being tried for attempted murder. The Muslims — all members of criminal street gangs that have taken over large parts of Danish towns and cities — were wearing masks and bullet-proof vests and throwing rocks and bottles as they tried to force their way into the district courthouse in Glostrup, a heavily Islamized suburb of Copenhagen, on March 6. Police used batons and pepper spray to fend off the gang members, who were armed with an arsenal of 20 different types of weapons …” Read more.

Flashback: Occupation Without Tanks or Soldiers: European ‘No-Go’ Zones for Non-Muslims Proliferating – “Islamic extremists are stepping up the creation of ‘no-go’ areas in European cities that are off-limits to non-Muslims. Many of the ‘no-go’ zones function as microstates governed by Islamic Sharia law. Host-country authorities effectively have lost control in these areas and in many instances are unable to provide even basic public aid such as police, fire fighting and ambulance services.” Read more.

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