Home > Radical Islam, Wars and Rumors of War > Islamic ‘Rape Wave’ in Norway Continues: Last 45 of 48 Rapes in Oslo Committed by Muslims, Anti-Semitic Gov’t Ministers Excoriate … Israel

Islamic ‘Rape Wave’ in Norway Continues: Last 45 of 48 Rapes in Oslo Committed by Muslims, Anti-Semitic Gov’t Ministers Excoriate … Israel

Revelation 9:21, “And they did not repent of their murders … or their sexual immorality …”

Rape Suspect

Rape Suspect

By Gil Ronen – “Norway is suffering from an unprecedented wave of rapes that are largely being perpetrated by Muslim immigrants against local women, according to Yehuda Bello, an acclaimed Israeli blogger whose special interests include Norway.

Bello, who understands Norwegian and has Norwegian contacts, reported that from January to late October, 48 rapes were confirmed to have been carried out in Oslo alone, 45 of them by Muslims. In the first six months of 2011, 208 Norwegian women complained of rape and attempted rape in Oslo alone. In all of Norway, 929 rapes and attempted aggravated rapes were reported since the beginning of the year, he added.

Bello notes that Norway is ‘the most advanced country in the world in granting rights to women.’ However, he adds, the ‘politically correct rot’ prevents the rape wave by Muslims from being reported. ‘They are called ‘non-western,’ ‘dark skinned,’ ‘Middle Eastern’ et cetera.

After a police report in Oslo said that Muslims were raping Norwegian women out of a religious conviction that this was the proper thing to do, a stormy public debate erupted, reports Bello, and ‘the government ministers, most of them avowed anti-Semites, claimed that the report and its publication serve Israel and its policy of occupation. Unbelievable, Norwegian women are raped daily and these people embroil Israel in the matter.'” Read more.

Flashback: Norwegian Authorities Covering Up Muslim Rapes; Rapist: Women Have No Rights or Opinions in Islam – “There has been a spike in the number of rape charges in Scandinavia in recent years. It has reached near epidemic proportions in Sweden… This trend is not exclusive to Scandinavia. It is the same all over Western Europe wherever we find significant numbers of Muslim immigrants. In fact, the number of rapes committed by Muslim immigrants in Western nations is so extremely high that it is difficult to view them only as random acts of individuals. It resembles warfare. German journalist Gudrun Eussner considers this to be ‘sexuality as a weapon against disobedient and non-Muslim women, both categorized as ‘unbelievers’. Against them jihad is the duty, and what to do with women ‘conquered’ in jihad, this may be read in the Qur’an: they become slaves to be used by the victors.’” Read more.

Flashback: British Woman Gang Raped by Five Afghan ‘Refugees’, Europe Continues to Suffer From Muslim Gang Rape Epidemic – “The brutal gang rape of a British woman by five Afghan refugees has sparked a massive protest against illegal immigrants in a Serbian spa town. The 38-year-old woman – who bravely managed to film the attack on her mobile phone – was repeatedly raped after befriending a group of Afghan men in a park in Banja Koviljaca… ‘These people are always hanging around the parks and streets during the day causing trouble,’ said one mum. ‘They have no respect for us, no respect for women and we want them gone because they have no right to be here.” Read more.

  1. jim
    09/30/2012 at 5:41 AM

    These incidents are really nothing compared to past pogroms experienced by minority communities in places like Malaysia, Indonesia and even the Philippines, most especially in Indonesia. It was not very unusual for young girls to be mass-assaulted and then mercilessly killed, their naked bodies left inside drains, in oil palm estates or just roasted inside burnt vehicles.


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