Home > Radical Islam, Wars and Rumors of War > Sudan Christians Flee Bloodshed; Christian Couple Attacked by Knife-Wielding Assailants for Leaving Islam

Sudan Christians Flee Bloodshed; Christian Couple Attacked by Knife-Wielding Assailants for Leaving Islam

“KHARTOUM, SUDAN (BosNewsLife)– Christians in Sudan were among thousands of refugees Wednesday, May 25, amid several attacks against them and fears of a new civil war between the Arab-dominated north and the Christian-animist south, which voted overwhelmingly to secede in a January referendum.

Hundreds of people have been killed in clashes over the last few weeks as the south, still reeling from the previous civil war with only 50 miles (80 kilometers) of tarred road, moves towards formal statehood on July 9…

Elsewhere in Khartoum, a Christian mother of a 2-month-old baby was recovering of her injuries Wednesday, May 25, and remained destitute after she and her husband were attacked for leaving Islam for Christianity.

Omar Hassan and Amouna Ahamdi, both 27, said knife-wielding, masked assailants on May 4 attacked them after relatives learned that they had converted from Islam to Christianity.

Hassan told Compass Direct News agency that he and his wife were renting a house from her uncle in Khartoum, but he ordered them to leave after learning they had left Islam.” Read more.

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