Home > Cosmic Craziness > Signs In The Sun: Six Major Solar Flares Erupt From Largest Sunspot In Decades

Signs In The Sun: Six Major Solar Flares Erupt From Largest Sunspot In Decades

The sunspot responsible for the solar flares this week is the largest we’ve seen in 24 years. The largest sunspot on record, however, took place in 1947 — a significant year for what was to become the State of Israel …

Luke 21:25, “And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring …”

CNet – “Since October 19, an active region of the sun has been getting busy. Dubbed AR 12192, the region is the largest sunspot in 24 years — and most certainly the largest of this solar cycle, which is currently at maximum.

In the space of a week, AR 12192 — nearly 129,000 kilometres (80,000 miles) across, big enough for 10 Earths to be laid across its diameter — has erupted in six massive flares. Five of these flares were X-class — the biggest and most powerful class of solar flare. The accompanying coronal mass ejections — clouds of electrified gas that explode from the blast site — can cause geomagnetic storms and auroras.

The effects of these on Earth include the disruption of radio and satellite communications and navigational equipment. AR 12192’s flares caused several high-frequency radio blackouts on Earth’s dayside, over wide areas for durations of about an hour each.

However, unusually, the flares were not accompanied by major CMEs — which meant no geomagnetic storms and no auroras.

This solar maximum is the smallest on record, with the lowest recorded sunspot activity since 1904. The largest sunspot on record occurred in 1947. At 40 times the diameter of Earth, The Great Sunspot of 1947 was almost three times the size of AR 12192.” Source – CNET.

Categories: Cosmic Craziness
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