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Allah “Nothing-To-Do-With-Islam” Made Me Do It

Saying that beheading in the name of “Allah” has nothing to do with the Qur’an is like saying the Ten Commandments have nothing to do with the Bible …

Hadith, Bukhari 2977, “I have been made victorious with terror” – The “Prophet” Of Islam, Mohammed

Qur’an Sura 3:151, “We will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve …”

Qur’an Sura 47:4a, “Therefore, when ye meet the Unbelievers [non-Muslims] in battle, smite at their necks …”

Nothing To Do With Judaism

Nothing To Do With Moses

By Daniel Greenfield, FrontPage Mag – “Stop me if you’ve heard this story before.

A Muslim convert who recently became very religious beheads a woman while reportedly shouting Islamic phrases. The authorities rush to convince everyone in sight that it has nothing to do with Islam.

I’m not talking about Alton Nolen in Oklahoma at the end of September, but Nicholas Salvador in the UK at the beginning of September. Salvador, a Nigerian Muslim convert, beheaded an 82-year-old European woman with a foot-long blade. Nolen killed a 54-year-old American woman with a 10-inch blade.

The bios of both men are fairly similar to the beheaders of British soldier Lee Rigby. The perpetrators were Nigerian converts to Islam. Alton Nolen was a black convert to Islam. They had a history of criminal behavior followed by a conversion to Islam and the inevitable bloody ending.

On his Facebook page, Nolen posted, ‘Sharia law is coming!!!’ The killers of Lee Rigby had chanted for Sharia law in the streets of London. That is the same Sharia law of stonings and beheadings.

It is the law of the Koran which states, ‘When you meet the unbelievers in Jihad smite at their necks until you have slaughtered many of them.’ (Koran 47:4)

Or as Nolen quoted after posting a gory beheading photo on his Facebook page, ‘Thus do we find the clear precedent that explains the peculiar penchant of Islamic terrorists to behead their victims: it is merely another precedent bestowed by their Prophet.’

The quote underneath the beheading photo backed that up, ‘I will instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off of them.'(Quran 8:9-13)

An unbeliever is anyone who isn’t a Muslim.

This latest ‘Nothing to do with Islam’ atrocity follows the Islamic State’s beheading of two Americans. These acts were admired by an Oklahoma City nursing home worker who was arrested for threatening a female co-worker with an ISIS style beheading on account of her being a Christian.

Again, nothing to do with Islam. Much like the Islamic State beheadings which we have been told also have nothing to do with Islam.” Read more.

Flashback: Decapitation 101: Islamic Training Session Teaches Students ‘How To Enjoy Beheading Procedure’ – “In a recently-released video footage a Wahhabi Takfiri sheikh demonstrates for his students how to perform beheading and ‘enjoy’ the horrific act. The video release of the appalling training session on ‘how to enjoy beheading procedure’ comes amid growing reports about unimaginable levels of brutality and violence practiced by extremist terrorist groups, such as the ISIL, particularly in Syria and Iraq… The Wahhabi preacher further emphasizes in the video piece that beheading a sheep is different from beheading a [human] captive and that the beheading of captives should not be done ‘indifferently’ as in the sheep’s case, rather it should be conducted with harshness along with pleasure.” Read more.

Flashback: Saudi Arabia ‘Justice’ Minister: Beheading Is Enshrined In Divine Islamic Laws, ‘We Cannot Change Them’ – “Saudi Arabia’s Justice Minister has defended tough Sharia punishments such as beheading, cutting off hands and lashing, claiming they ‘cannot be changed’ because they are enshrined in Islamic law. ‘These punishments are based on divine religious texts and we cannot change them,’ Mohammed Al Eissa reportedly said during a recent speech in Washington… ‘Islam is a religion of wisdom that calls for dialogue with other religious faiths and peaceful coexistence with other communities. [Edit ICA: Then why is there not one single Christian church in all of Saudi Arabia?]” Read more.

Categories: Radical Islam
  1. skai
    10/01/2014 at 7:09 PM

    How long its going to take for all Infidels to wake up to the evils of Islam? May be too long.


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