Home > Radical Islam > Italian Mosque Sheik Remembers Jews In His Prayers: “Oh Allah … Kill Them To The Very Last One”

Italian Mosque Sheik Remembers Jews In His Prayers: “Oh Allah … Kill Them To The Very Last One”

Wouldn’t you know it, a thoughtful “Religion of Peace” leader at a Western mosque was mindful enough to keep the Jews in his prayers. Only he wasn’t asking “Allah” to step in and help the Jews in any way, shape or form in an effort to bring about true and meaningful peace between Muslims and Jews. As per usual in virtually every Muslim house of worship, he was begging “Allah” to step in and kill them all instead, for peaceful purposes. Genocide. Where would Islam be without it? …

Hadith, Sahih Muslim, 41:6985, “The Day of Judgement will not come about until Muslims fight the Jews, when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Muslims, O Abdullah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him …”

Sheik Abd Al-Barr Al-Rawdhi, Al-Rahma Mosque in Italy, 7/29/2014: “What can we possibly expect from (the Jews), whose hearts are harder than stone? What can we possibly expect from people whose hands are soiled with the blood of the prophets, not to mention the blood of defenseless, innocent people? … Oh Allah, bring upon them that which will make us happy. Oh Allah, count them one by one, and kill them to the very last one.” Listen to full diatribe.

Categories: Radical Islam
  1. 08/05/2014 at 12:24 AM

    Muslims idiotic ideology is the same as Satan’s idiotic ideology. Why do Muslims want to be idiots?


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