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Global Warning: The Hate-Wave All Over The Islamicized West

There’s a reason why so many Nazis converted to Islam. There’s no place like home, there’s no place like home, there’s no place like home …

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By Dr. Inna Rogatchi, INN (Op-Ed) – “The wave of anti-Israel and anti-Semitic hatred has sprung all over Europe readily seizing the pretext of the completely justified Israeli military operation in Gaza. Mass demonstrations in London and the other cities of the United Kingdom, violent riots in Paris, ‘Kristallnacht’-style attacks on synagogues in France, Ireland and Poland, public hate preaches of imam calling for the death ‘the Jews until the last one’ in Berlin, abrasive threats to Jewish people in Denmark and Sweden; all this amassing daily.

The things are better in the USA, but there a well Jewish people are threatened because of their national origin ( in Chicago) and where many anti-Israel and anti-Semitic demonstrations have been snow-balling.

As occurred numerous times before, Israel, under non-stop missile attacks by Hamas is presented as a very bad cop; as always, the die-hard left is indulged in calling white black and preaching to Israel to make peace with a cannibal. What’s new in all those anti-Israel and anti-Semitic activities all over the world this time, is the substantially larger number of demonstrators – just everywhere; their determination; their rather high level of confidence and aggressiveness; and largely prevailing Arab and Muslim presence among the attackers and demonstrators.

What we are experiencing today in Europe and the West, is a wave of articulated hatred towards Jews, and Israel, in that order; and also a substantially higher arrogant confidence on the part of the attackers and demonstrators. They are acting in a much bolder way, also demonstrating to us all quite intentionally: we are here, it is within our rights to do whatever we want – and they are indeed allowed to spread all this hate and conduct all these attacks by the European and Western governments who remain largely meek towards racial violence peaking up in their countries.

This is the result of the more than 25 years of extremely short-sighted and inept policy, or actually, absence of firm stand and articulated policy of the European and Western governments on the issue on militant Islam’ spreading and planting roots in the West.” Read more.

  1. Anonymous
    07/27/2014 at 4:56 PM

    I wonder when the Democrats or the UN are going to start measuring all of the heat coming from all those bombs, missiles, IED’s, Suicide Bombs being set-off by the loving people of Islam and start fining these terrorist groups, I mean loving people for global warming


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