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Khaybar, Khaybar! Muslims Draw Upon Embarassing Islamic History During Protest Against Israel

Another great video by David Wood. If Muslim protesters only took the time to study their own Islamic history a little more in depth, perhaps they’d feel compelled to reconsider which “conquests” to draw upon during their protests against Israel. But then again, reconsidering anything to do with the 8th century continues to be un-Islamic, even in the 21st …

Recommended: In the Qur’an, Allah promises to kill Muhammad by severing his aorta if Muhammad invents a false revelation. When Muhammad died, he said he could feel his aorta being severed

By David Wood, Answering Muslims – “Muslim rallies against Israel often include the chant, ‘Khaybar, Khaybar, Ya Yahud! Jaish Muhammad Sawfa Ya’ud!’ (‘Khaybar, Khaybar, O Jews! The Army of Muhammad Will Return!’). Interestingly, Muhammad was poisoned at Khaybar, and he eventually died from the effects of the poison. Should Muslims be telling Jews to remember the battle that got their prophet killed?

For those who would like to read the sources cited in this video, here you go …” Read more.

  1. 07/31/2014 at 1:53 AM

    Muslims follow the most blasphmious book ever written or could ever be written. Muslims are not ashamed when they obey it?


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