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Hamas Spokesman: We Are Leading Our People To Death

Sami Abu Zuhri, spokesman for the Muslim Brotherhood’s sister terrorist organization Hamas, says they are not leading the Palestinian people to destruction. Rather, he says, they are leading the people to death, as though it were a most hallowed objective. For those who are in Christ, death is eternally destroyed. But for those who are not, however, death is eternal destruction

Proverbs 10:14, “Wise men lay up knowledge: but the mouth of the foolish is near destruction.”

Proverbs 8:35-36, “For whoever finds Me finds life, And obtains favor from the LORD … All those who hate Me love death.”

  1. 07/17/2014 at 6:33 PM

    Satan himself is self destructive. Hear the words of the Hamas spokesman who is Muslim hear Satan speaking through him. Why do people want what Satan wants?


  2. 07/18/2014 at 10:06 AM

    Remember the sermon at the mosque last week about Building Relationships, Encouraging One Another and Being Kind One to Another? Oh wait, that was in CHURCH!!


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