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Belgium: Hundreds Of Muslims And Their Terror-Sympathizing Enablers Demand The “Slaughter Of Jews”

Hadith, Tabari 7:97, “The morning after the murder of Ashraf, the Prophet declared, ‘Kill any Jew who falls under your power.’”

Yet again, the marauding minions of Mohammed-the-Maniacal-Messenger-of-Mayhem and the misinformed masses march for murder …

Proverbs 22:24-25, “Make no friendship with a man given to anger, nor go with a wrathful man, lest you learn his ways and entangle yourself in a snare.”

Haaretz – “Dozens of men at an anti-Israel demonstration in Antwerp shouted slogans about slaughtering Jews.

Approximately 500 people attended Saturday’s protest in the capital of Belgium’s Flemish region, where one of the speakers used a loudspeaker to chant a call in Arabic that means ‘slaughter the Jews.’

The demonstration against Israel’s assault on Hamas in Gaza happened amid a wave of anti-Semitic attacks in Western Europe that coincided with the Israeli actions, and one day before a similar demonstration in Paris escalated into what European Jewish Congress President Moshe Kantor called an ‘attempted lynch’ outside a local synagogue.

The Belgian League Against Anti-Semitism filed a complaint for incitement to violence against participants and organizers of the Antwerp demonstration, dozens of whom were recorded making the calls.

‘International politics cannot serve as a pretext for incitement to anti-Semitic hatred,’ the organization’s president, Joel Rubinfeld, said in a statement.

It also condemned the presence at the demonstration of three local politicians: Karim Bachar of the Flemish Socialist Party; Ikrame Kastit of the Flemish Green Party; and Mohamed Chebaa of Labor.

The protesters also called out ‘Jews, remember Khaybar, the army of Muhammad is returning,’ referencing a seventh-century slaughter against Jews in Saudi Arabia.

Earlier this month, the same call was heard at a demonstration in The Hague in favor of the ISIS Sunni militia in Syria and Iraq. The protest was held six days before Israel launched its military operation in Gaza.” Read more.

Flashback: Belgium: Mob Of Muslims Attack Bus Full Of 5-Year-Old Jewish Children – “A bus filled with Jewish kindergarteners was attacked by Muslim teenagers in Antwerp, on Sunday. No one was hurt, despite the horde of Muslims surrounding the bus to throw stones at little 5 year-olds. This is just one incident among many of Muslim attacks on children. The following video shows Arabs on the Temple Mount harassing Jewish kids… Of course this is mild compared to the murders of the Fogel children in 2011; Yoav, 11, Elad, 4, and three-month-old Hadas, stabbed to death while sleeping. The baby was reportedly decapitated by her Palestinian attackers, who also butchered her parents to death.” Read more.

Flashback: Belgium: Jihadist Calls On Young Muslims To Follow Example Of Jewish Museum Killer – ““Azzedine Kbir Bounekoub, an inhabitant of Antwerp who went to Syria to join the fight, called on young Muslims via Facebook to follow the example of the man who carried out the shootings at the Jewish Museum in Belgium and engage in more attacks… ‘May Allah drive more young people to follow the example of the man who committed the attack against the Jewish Museum. Martyrdom is not only an issue in Syria, but also in Belgium. Become a thorn in the eye of the enemies of Islam’, he said in his message.” Read more.

  1. 07/16/2014 at 10:33 AM

    Reblogged this on eleazartimes and commented:
    Hatred is taught. It is passed down from one generation to next. Dear friends, it is YOU that WILL BE held responsible for what YOU teach YOUR children. Are the “seeds” you are planting in YOUR child’s life coming from G-d or something else entirely?


  2. skai
    07/16/2014 at 7:19 PM

    Hate of the Jews is NOT some thing new, it goes back to the times of muslim’s so called profit mo-ham-mad[ may piss be upon him] Quran teaches them all the hate towards Jews and Christians and non believers .


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