Home > Radical Islam, Wars and Rumors of War > No Mercy: Muslims In Nigeria Burn Churches, Destroy Bibles, Seek To Force All To Renounce Christianity

No Mercy: Muslims In Nigeria Burn Churches, Destroy Bibles, Seek To Force All To Renounce Christianity

When these Islamist beasts stand before Almighty God, they will be shown the same mercy that they showed His children: none

Matthew 7:2, “For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”

Revelation 6:10, "... How long, O Lord ..."

Revelation 6:10, “… How long, O Lord …”

By Robyn Dixon, Los Angeles Times – “When Boko Haram invaded her village last year, the Islamist extremists burned the churches, destroyed Bibles and photographs, and forced Hamatu Juwanda to renounce Christianity.

‘They said we should never go back to church because they had brought a new religion,’ the 50-year-old said. ‘We were going to be converted to Islam.’

The head of the village, a Muslim, presented her with a thick nylon hijab to cover her head and renamed her Aisha.

She submitted, smarting with rage. Women who didn’t wear the hijab were beaten.

‘When I went to the market, I wore the veil,’ she said. ‘But at home, I took it off and prayed.’

The gunmen returned time after time to the village of Barawa, shooting people, burning houses and wearing down the resistance of the villagers.

In September, the attackers came again: 30 turbaned men with covered faces, big guns and camouflage clothing. Juwanda’s husband tried to flee but was shot in the chest and killed.

Horrors became commonplace for Juwanda: She saw a young man shot in the head as he fled along a rural track. She watched a neighboring woman weep bitterly as gunmen abducted her with her children.

‘She was crying, but they told her not to,’ Juwanda said. ‘The leader of the group told her, ‘If you cry, it’s useless. If you don’t cry, it’s useless.’’

In the last year, the government has lost control of vast swaths of the country’s northeast to Boko Haram with barely a fight. In a military-style campaign, the extremist militia has raised its black flag over villages, driven Christians from their farmland and houses, and dragged people from cars at roadblocks, killing ‘infidels.’

Boko Haram’s insurgency has killed 12,000 people and shattered the northern economy. Schools have been shut down because of attacks that have seen hundreds of schoolgirls kidnapped and schoolboys burned alive in their dormitories.” Read more.

Revelation 13:15, “And it was allowed to give breath to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast might even speak and might cause those who would not worship the image of the beast to be slain.”

Flashback: Nigeria: ‘Islamic Warrior’ Delighted In Chopping Off Heads, Says Islamic Agenda Is To Force Worship Of Allah, Wipe Out Christians – “Ask him and he bluntly tells you, ‘If we ask our victim, ‘Will you become a Muslim or not and he or she refuses, we will slaughter him like a goat…’ He talked of himself as an Islamic warrior who take delight in chopping off people’s head with a stroke of his dagger… ‘You people have only been hearing of Boko Haram, but there are other deadly Islamic groups who are also part of Boko Haram sect … Whenever we heard that any of the sects were fighting Christians, we would always join them …” Read more.

  1. 07/12/2014 at 3:46 PM

    Reblogged this on disturbeddeputy and commented:
    Believer, this is coming your way. Be prepared.


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