Home > Radical Islam > Australia: Teen Girls Gang Raped, Media Leaves Out Revealing Details Concerning Identity Of Their Rapists

Australia: Teen Girls Gang Raped, Media Leaves Out Revealing Details Concerning Identity Of Their Rapists

Their defense will likely be “cultural differences.” And I wouldn’t be surprised if the presiding judge agrees that it’s a valid excuse. Again. Besides, according to this Muslim cleric in Sydney, all girls who are raped have nobody to blame but themselves …

Hadith, Bukhari 5096, “[Muhammad said] The worst sin and distraction from virtue that I have left for man is woman”

By Andrew Bolt, Herald Sun – “Yet again, the Sydney Morning Herald (using AAP copy) would rather alleged rapists escape identification than tell us their ethnic identity:

What it reported:

Two 16-year-old girls have been sexually assaulted in a park in Sydney’s west…

One man is described as being about 19-21 years old, about 178cm tall, with a dark complexion, a thin build and dark hair.

A second is about 175cm tall, with a thin build and black hair.

The third male is described as being between 17-19 years old, with a medium build and about 175cm tall.

What NSW police actually said:

The first male is described as being of Mediterranean/Middle Eastern appearance, about 19-21 years old, with a dark complexion, about 178cm tall, with a thin build and dark hair.

The second male is also described as being of Mediterranean/Middle Eastern appearance, about 175cm tall, with a thin build and black hair.

The third male is described as being of Mediterranean/Middle Eastern appearance, aged between 17-19 years old, with a medium build and about 175cm tall.


The ethnic descriptor has also been left off this news.com.au report.


The original AAP copy contained the Middle Eastern reference. This may not be the first time a Fairfax sub-editor has removed an ethnic descriptor.

The rewritten copy at the link now restores the reference.” Source – Herald Sun.

Revelation 9:21, “And they did not repent of their murders … or their sexual immorality …”

Flashback: The Land Down Under Going Under

Categories: Radical Islam
  1. 04/09/2014 at 1:57 PM

    Muslims Code: I’m going to come to your country, spit on your culture, and demand that you change your lifestyle to suit my religion. And if you criticize me for doing that, then you’re an imperialist western bigot.


  2. 04/09/2014 at 10:47 PM

    Reblogged this on disturbeddeputy and commented:
    Media is the same around the world. Just enough info to make you stupid.


  3. Mr REality
    04/10/2014 at 10:26 AM

    Why do the politically correct fools that rule our countries insist upon cultural suicide.
    Who is paying them how much to destroy their own countries ??????????????


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