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‘All But Totally Ignored’: No One Wants To Admit That There’s A War Being Waged Against Christians

“Even western Christians turn a blind eye to the worst persecution of our times” …

Daniel 12:1b-2, 10, “And there will be a time of distress such as never occurred since there was a nation until that time; and at that time your people, everyone who is found written in the book, will be rescued. Many of those who sleep in the dust of the ground will awake, these to everlasting life, but the others to disgrace and everlasting contempt… Many will be purged, purified and refined, but the wicked will act wickedly; and none of the wicked will understand, but those who have insight will understand.”

Also See:

By John L Allen Jr, CH – “Back in 1997, American author Paul Marshall said that anti-Christian persecution had been ‘all but totally ignored by the world at large’. To be sure, the situation has changed in the 16 years since Marshall’s classic work Their Blood Cries Out. A cluster of advocacy groups and relief organisations has emerged, and from time to time anti-Christian persecution has drawn coverage in major news outlets such as the Economist, Newsweek and Commentary. On the whole, however, the war on Christians remains the world’s best-kept secret. As recently as 2011, Italian journalist Francesca Paci – who writes for the Italian media market, which probably pays more attention to Christian topics than almost any other culture on earth, given the massive footprint of the Vatican – said about the fate of persecuted Christians in places such as Iraq, Algeria, and India: ‘We ignore too many things, and even more indefensibly, we pretend not to see too many things.’

In 2011, the Catholic Patriarch of Jerusalem, Fouad Twal, addressed the crisis facing Arab Christianity in the Middle East during a conference in London. He bluntly asked: ‘Does anybody hear our cry? How many atrocities must we endure before somebody, somewhere, comes to our aid?’ Those are questions that deserve answers, and understanding the motives for the silence about the global war on Christians is a good place to begin.

In the secular milieu, several factors intersect to explain the relative indifference toward the global persecution of Christians. First is the basic point that some secularists have little personal experience of religion and can be strikingly ignorant on religious subjects. There’s also a reflexive hostility to institutional religion, especially Christianity, in some sectors of secular opinion. People conditioned by such views are inclined to see Christianity as the agent of repression, not its victim. Say ‘religious persecution,’ and the images that come to mind are the Crusades, the Inquisition, the wars of religion, Bruno and Savonarola, the Salem witch trials – all chapters of history in which Christianity is cast as the villain. For many such folks today, ‘Christianity’ means an all-male gerontocracy in Rome cracking down on progressive American nuns, or intemperate Evangelicals seeking to restrict a woman’s ‘right to choose’ or a gay’s right to marry.

Victims of the global war on Christians challenge this narrative head-on, because they show Christianity not as the oppressor but as the oppressed. By 2012, almost two thirds of the 2.2 billion Christians in the world lived outside of the West, and that share should reach three quarters by mid-century.” Read more.

Flashback: ‘Time Is Running Out’: US Congressman Asks Why Churches In The West Are Silent On Worldwide Christian Persecution – “Congressman Frank Wolf, who has been a champion of human rights, is hard pressed to understand why U.S. churches are silent when it comes to advocating for persecuted Christians. The Republican Virginia rep. specifically called out big-name pastors such as Rick Warren and John Piper for their non-activity, especially at a time when Christians and other religious minorities in Syria and Egypt are at greater risk for persecution.” Read more.

Acts 14:22, “… continue in the faith … we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God.”

  1. 10/08/2013 at 12:39 PM

    NO, more like “Totally ignored!!!” AND, we all know why! The “elite” of the world OWN all of the media outlets and ARE “MUSLIM!” What we do need, is a “revival” to take place here in the U.S.! Yet, with all the “evangelists” that we have, it seems “as if” not one of them is even making an attempt? Oh yeah! How would any of us know, since the media is controlled by the oppressors of Christianity!

    If ever there were a “good time” to Impeach Obama, it would be NOW! As he has shown to the world, just how INCOMPETENT he really IS. Shutting down the government…give me a break!


  2. Emma
    10/08/2013 at 2:41 PM

    Exactly, it seems like no one is watching, or turning their heads the other way. So many people die in so many countries, it breaks my heart


  3. surj1936
    11/14/2014 at 12:37 PM

    Main stream media is bias towards non muslims. in most countries now,


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