Home > Radical Islam > New York: Marchers Raise The Black Flag Of Al-Qaeda During ‘Muslim Day Parade’

New York: Marchers Raise The Black Flag Of Al-Qaeda During ‘Muslim Day Parade’

If skinheads had raised the Nazi flag during a “White Power Parade”, the liberal media would have been all over it like white on rice, and rightfully so. But if we speak out against a synonymous pro-Nazi ideology that just so happens to be the declared faith of 1.5+ billion adherents all over the face of the earth, then we’re suddenly the ones who are called “racist” …

Hadith, Sahih Muslim, 41:6985, “The Day of Judgement will not come about until Muslims fight the Jews, when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Muslims, O Abdullah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him …”

Qur’an Sura 8:55, “Surely the vilest of animals in Allah’s sight are those who disbelieve [non-Muslims] …”

Zechariah 5:3a, 8a, “… This is the curse [“alah“] that goes out over the face of the whole earth … This is Wickedness …”

By Daniel Greenfield, Frontpage Mag – “Some are held by spectators and others by marchers in the parade meaning that the organizers of the parade had to approve marchers carrying Jihadist symbols. I can’t think of any other group that would be allowed parade around with blatant terrorist insignia in the city that those same terrorists attacked.

Muslims will claim that these were historically Mohammed’s flags, but today they are used by Jihadists and by Salafists as Caliphate flags. The black flag is the war flag and the white flag is the state flag of the Caliphate. (from Urban Infidel)

The Muslim Day marchers carrying the white flags are saying that they view themselves as part of the Islamic Caliphate and that they view New York as belonging to the Caliphate.

The Muslim Day marchers with black flags are waving an open declaration of war against New York.

These were the flags that were planted on American embassies on September 11 during the attacks. Now they are being carried openly in New York.

The Al-Liwaa, the Caliphate state flag, and the Al-Liwaa, the war flag, are making a statement that the marchers are with the army of Mohammed and are at war with the non-Muslim Dar Al-Harb. The House of War. America.

Muslim apocalyptic prophecies believe that armies from Afghanistan carrying the war flags will lead to their armageddon. These are the The Black Flags From Khorasan.

Muslim Boston Bomber Tamerlan Tasarnaev liked one of the black flag videos. Despite all this local politicians continue to participate in the Muslim Day hate fests and terrorist propaganda outings.” Source – Frontpage Mag.

Categories: Radical Islam
  1. 09/25/2013 at 5:07 PM

    “Muslim Boston Bomber Tamerlan Tasarnaev liked one of the black flag videos. Despite all this local politicians continue to participate in the Muslim Day hate fests….”

    But, but if we just pet the POISONOUS snake real nice like, it won’t bite us–right?



  2. 09/26/2013 at 12:15 AM

    Islam with all of its flags and empty boasts, for the most part kill innocent, unarmed people. Little Israel manages to take the Islamic nations to the hoop, every time that they engage in unprovoked attacks against them.

    Where is Allah, the impotent? Every time the Muslims get it handed to them, it demonstrates to the entire world that the GOD of Israel is enthroned in the heavens and it is He who holds Allah’s next breath in His fist.


  3. 09/26/2013 at 9:41 AM

    Has anyone notified “Homeland Security” that “…The Al-Liwaa, the Caliphate state flag, and the Al-Liwaa, the war flag, are making a statement that the marchers are with the army of Mohammed and are at war with the non-Muslim Dar Al-Harb. The House of War. America…” have “DECLARED WAR ON THE U.S.” AND their armies are already “in-place!”

    Oh, silly me! That’s NOT what they meant!


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