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Hamas-Linked CAIR Running A Global Criminal Money Laundering Operation Out Of Washington, DC

For peaceful purposes, of course. Just don’t say anything about it, otherwise you’ll be labelled a “racist Islamophobe” …

By Robert Spencer, Jihad Watch – “It has been a bad week for the Islamic supremacist thugs of Hamas-linked CAIR: no sooner do they issue their wildly inaccurate ‘Islamophobia’ report than Islamic jihadists commit major acts of jihad mass murder in Nigeria, Iraq, and Kenya, thereby giving the lie to the claim that people have negative views of Islam because of an alleged network of allegedly well-heeled alleged ‘Islamophobes,’ rather than because of the actions of violent and supremacist Muslims avowedly acting the name of Islam. Then in the wake of the Kenya jihad murders, it came out that Hamas-linked CAIR was accused of interfering with the investigation into the Somali jihad group Al Shabaab’s recruitment activities in the U.S. — and American jihadis thus recruited are among the jihad murderers.

And now it turns out that they’re laundering money, too. Hamas-linked CAIR top dogs Nihad Awad and Ibrahim Hooper can still enjoy those Obama Justice Department soirees, but perhaps sanity will prevail and they will not be enjoying such access much longer.

‘Council on American-Islamic Relations’ (CAIR) Legitimacy Undermined by its Criminal Money Laundering Scheme,’ from the American Freedom Law Center, September 24:

Washington, D.C. (September 24, 2013) — The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), which bills itself as “the nation’s largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization,” released a so-called report last week entitled, “Legislating Fear: Islamophobia and its Impact in the United States,” which purports to identify dozens of organizations “dedicated to promoting anti-Islam prejudice in America.” CAIR’s report garnered significant media attention, including a full-length article posted in The Washington Post.

In the report, CAIR highlighted the American Freedom Law Center (AFLC), a national, nonprofit Judeo-Christian law firm, and its Co-Founders and Senior Counsel David Yerushalmi and Robert Muise, as being part of the “inner core” of the “Islamophobia network.”

In response to CAIR’s allegations, Yerushalmi commented: “For some time now, ‘anti-hate’ groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center and CAIR have been successful in promoting the notion that they are legitimate organizations that objectively highlight individuals and groups that promote ‘hate’ in America. In reality, these organizations use their compatriots in the mainstream media to advance their agendas through misinformation and duplicity. While the Southern Poverty Law Center is basically a self-serving fundraising machine masquerading as a civil rights organization, CAIR has a proven track record of dangerously waging what the Muslim Brotherhood calls ‘civilizational jihad’ to destroy the West from within. Indeed, CAIR is the largest Muslim Brotherhood-Hamas front group in America.”

After three years of litigation in federal court in Washington, D.C., AFLC has uncovered facts demonstrating that CAIR has been running a global criminal money laundering operation out of the nation’s capitol. The scheme was discovered in the course of legal discovery in two separate federal lawsuits arising out of allegations by five of CAIR’s former clients that CAIR defrauded them by failing to provide the legal services they had been promised.

While CAIR bills itself as the nation’s largest Muslim civil rights organization, it has been named by the U.S. Department of Justice as a Muslim Brotherhood-Hamas front group and an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation criminal trial, the nation’s largest terrorism finance prosecution to date, resulting in convictions in 2008 for all five leaders of the terrorist financing ring operating as the Holy Land Foundation Muslim charity. Prison sentences ranged from 20 years to 65 years.

As brought out in the Holy Land Foundation criminal trial, CAIR founders Nihad Awad and Omar Ahmad were participants in the conspiracy, although not formally charged. These two men formed CAIR in 1994 in an effort to create a front organization to further the Muslim Brotherhood goals in this country. But, like many criminal fronts, CAIR itself turns out to be a criminal organization.”

Read more.

Categories: Radical Islam
  1. 09/24/2013 at 1:38 PM

    Reblogged this on U.S. Constitutional Free Press.


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    09/24/2013 at 1:56 PM

    Reblogged this on Dead Republican Party (DeRP) and commented:
    Surprise, Surprise, Surprise!


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