Home > Radical Islam > UK: Muslim Father Physically Abused His Children While Forcing Them To Read Their ‘Holy’ Qur’an

UK: Muslim Father Physically Abused His Children While Forcing Them To Read Their ‘Holy’ Qur’an

People like this accuse Jews and Christians of being “the vilest of animals”, yet are the ones often behaving like vicious monsters …

Qur’an Sura 8:55, “Surely the vilest of animals in Allah’s sight are those who disbelieve [non-Muslims] …”

Qur’an Sura 3:110, “Ye [Muslims] are the best of peoples, evolved for mankind …”

By JULIA SUTTON, Bedfordshire On Sunday – “A father punished his children by making them stand by a window reciting the Koran whilst he assaulted him, a jury was told today (July 9).

It was part of ‘physical, psychological and emotional abuse’ allegedly carried out by the 49-year-old man from Bedford on his wife and six children.

Prosecutor Beverly Cripps told Luton Crown Court: ‘The abuse occurred on a regular basis and became the norm at the home. It was carried out by a domineering and controlling man.

‘School was a refuge for the children. They were all exemplary students, but their childhood has been marred by continuous abuse. They have been hit by belts, shoes, large heavy cooking spoons and plates.

‘They have been tied to door handles, bound up and locked in their bedrooms.

‘The Koran was used as a punishment. They were made to stand in front of a window, holding their Holy Book and, from time to time, were being assaulted while reading from it.

‘He has spat on their food and made them eat it. He has spat in their mouths and made them swallow his spittle.

‘They became prisoners in their own home. He called his daughters ‘fat bitches’ and the sons ‘bastards’.

‘He would withdraw food and turn off water in the house.'” Read more.

Flashback: How The “Religion of Peace” Educates Children

Categories: Radical Islam
  1. 07/09/2013 at 4:35 PM

    This IS a “typical” Muslim!!!



    “That’s what I thought!”



  2. 07/09/2013 at 7:36 PM

    The truth is Islam is Evil, what part of “EVIL” do people not understand? It enslaves the mind, body and soul of a person. It must be destroyed.
    Do you care? Kill me if you dare.


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