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Expert: Islam Taking Over, Europe Soon To Be Unrecognizable As Muslim Demographics Lead To ‘Abysmal’ Change

By Roi Mandel, ynet – “The murder of a soldier in London, the stabbing of a soldier in Paris and the violent outbreak in Sweden – Europe’s alarm clock has been ringing once again over the past week. The negative birthrate compared to the increase in Muslims, the heavy unemployment and the social-religious isolation of European immigrants are all back on the agenda.

‘Europe has lost its will to live as Europe,’ said Mideast expert Dr. Mordechai Kedar to Ynet. ‘It is gathered into museums, into history. If the leaders will not put an end to immigration, we will soon be hearing the death throes of the continent as we know it.’

Even if it is somewhat demagogic to attempt to bind the three events from the past few days in different European sites under ‘Islamic extremism,’ and even if the rage sparks in the weaker classes of immigrants, it is hard to ignore the basic facts. Behind these events are African immigrants from Islamic countries.

Dr. Zvika Libman studies the effects of the Muslim minority in Europe in light of the radical Islam on European countries. When he sees the reality, he said, there is no alternative interpretation for the events. ‘There is no doubt that the unemployment and the economic hardships lead to rioting, as happened in France. And yes, there is a disadvantage compared to the European bourgeois, but this is not solely bitterness due to the economic situation – because there is unemployment among youngsters who are not Muslim, like in Spain for example.

The Muslims have a fertile ground of mosques that awaken them, preach to them that they are deprived, that they don’t belong, that they’re not wanted and that the only solution is a country with an Arab majority. This is the starting point for these riots.’

According to Dr. Libman, Sweden is an example of the situation in Europe.” Read more.

  1. 05/28/2013 at 8:49 PM

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    See? Toldja.


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