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UN Recognizes ‘Palestine’ As Non-Member Observer State, Canada: This Is A Bad Move

Despite Obama’s “opposition”, Palestine has now gained the status of a non-member observer state, just like Obama promised. This is not a step toward peace. It is a step toward disaster …

By Elad Benari, INN – “As expected, the United Nations passed a resolution on Thursday evening recognizing Palestine as a non-member observer state.

138 countries voted in favor of the resolution, nine countries voted against it, and 41 countries abstained.

Shortly before the vote, Palestinian Authority (PA) Head Mahmoud Abbas addressed the United Nations Thursday, in his bid to gain recognition for the PA as a non-member observer state. This status has only been accorded to the Vatican until now.

As he took the stage, Abbas launched his usual attack on Israel, accusing the Jewish State of attacking PA Arabs and carrying out ethnic cleansing.

As usual, Abbas did not condemn the rocket fire by Gaza terrorists on southern Israel.

‘Palestine comes today to the General Assembly because it believes in peace and because its people, as proven in past days, are in desperate need of it,’ he said, insisting that recognizing ‘Palestine’ as a non-member observer state is ‘the last chance to save the two-state solution.’

‘We have heard and you too have heard specifically over the past months the incessant flood of Israeli threats in response to our peaceful, political and diplomatic endeavor for Palestine to acquire non-member observer state in the United Nations,’ said Abbas. ‘And, you have surely witnessed how some of these threats have been carried out in a barbaric and horrific manner just days ago in the Gaza Strip.’ …

‘We will accept no less than the independence of the state of Palestine, with east Jerusalem as its capital, on all the Palestinian territory occupied in 1967, to live in peace and security alongside the state of Israel, and a solution for the refugee issue on the basis of resolution 194, as per the operative part of the Arab Peace Initiative,’ he stressed.” Read more.

Gaza Terror Groups: There Will Be No Peace With Israel – “According to Bethlehem-based news service Ma’an, Hamas top terrorist Ismail Haniyeh said that Hamas was in favor of the bid. ‘Nobody is against statehood, and (my government) supports any political movement to establish a Palestinian state on the occupied Palestinian territory,’ Ma’an quoted Haniyeh as saying. ‘Our vision is to have a state based on inalienable Palestinian principles, and a state on the pre-1967 borders does not mean ceding the rest of Palestinian land.'” Read more.

Canada: Nothing Good Will Come Out Of Approving Palestine As Non-Member State – “Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird was in New York Thursday to argue Canada’s position in a largely symbolic speech, because the outcome of the vote was never in doubt. ‘This resolution will not advance the cause of peace or spur a return to negotiations,’ he said. ‘Will the Palestinian people be better off as a result? No. On the contrary, this unilateral step will harden positions and raise unrealistic expectations while doing nothing to improve the lives of the Palestinian people.'” Read more.

  1. Willard
    11/29/2012 at 10:48 PM

    Arutz Sheva

    ‘With UN Bid, Arabs Once Again Try to Steal Israel’s Heritage’
    by David Lev

    It’s no accident that the Palestinian Authority is bringing its “case” to the United Nations on November 29 – a day that has for 65 years been identified with the State of Israel.

    “It’s very typical of the PA to choose the day that Israel was recognized as a state by the UN as the date for their state’s recognition,” said one historian. “The PA has tried to co-opt so many Jewish and Israeli symbols in the past, and the co-opting of November 29 fits right in with that,” said Moshe Siebel, a history afficianado.

    The 29th of November is perhaps the only date on the secular calendar to be adopted into the Hebrew calendar, feted as “Kaf-Tet b’November..” Streets in many cities in Israel bear the name, and in the past it has been celebrated as a semi-holiday by Israelis as the day that the United Nations officially partitioned Palestine in 1947, and declared that a portion of the soon-to-be-defunct British Mandate for Palestine be reserved for a Jewish state.

    Now, in 2012, the PA is set to get UN General Assembly recognition for a state on land it already controls, but cannot have an army on at present. In a vote later Thursday, the UN is expected to recognize ‘Palestine’ as a non-voting, non-member observer state.

    UN Resolution 181 was the first official recognition of the national rights of the Jewish people in the Land of Israel in the modern age, going farther than the 1917 Balfour Declaration, which recognized Mandatory Palestine as a “national home” for the Jewish people.

    Although the Partition Plan caused much dispute among Zionists, as it reserved only a small part of western Mandatory Palestine as the future Jewish state and did not include Jerusalem, which was to be internationalized, the Jewish community and its institutions embraced it. Thousands of people in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Petach Tikvah, and other centers of Jewish settlement celebrated in the streets.

    The Arab countries categorically rejected the Partition Plan, and vowed to crush the incipient Jewish state – a vow they tried to follow through on barely seven months later, in May 1948, after David Ben-Gurion declared the State of Israel. Armies from seven Arab countries immediately opened a war of annihilation against the Jewish community, but were miraculously beaten back, with the new State capturing important land areas that, had the Arabs agreed to the Partition Plan, would have been a part of an Arab state.

    For Jews around the world, November 29, 1947, was a very emotional day – in a sense, the rebirth of the Jewish people after the horrors of the Holocaust.


  2. 12/04/2012 at 5:10 AM

    Israel must not surrender one single inch of the Promised Land that GOD gave to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob [ Israel ].

    Israel must possess and occupy all the Promised Land that is rightfully theirs to possess and keep and must divide and give any of the same to people that are not direct descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

    Reputable Historians and Honest hearted Politicians know that for thousands of years Jerusalem has always been recognised as The Capital City of Israel.

    The U.N. appears to have been infiltrated by very shifty dodgy characters that seek to MOVE THE GOAL POSTS OF HISTORY for some dark Nefarious Purpose.

    Every Christian around the world that prays and Loves GOD, prays for Israel and prays for The Peace of Jerusalem The Capital City of Israel.


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