Home > Mass Animal Deaths > Ireland: Mystery Surrounds Cause Of 50,000 Dead Starfish Found Washed Ashore On Lissadell Beach

Ireland: Mystery Surrounds Cause Of 50,000 Dead Starfish Found Washed Ashore On Lissadell Beach

By Pete Thomas – “It was a surreal and somewhat ghostly sight: that of perhaps 50,000 starfish that somehow had come ashore overnight, en masse, and perished on a secluded beach in Ireland. The Belfast Telegraph reports that harsh weather might have been responsible for last week’s peculiar and mysterious event, on Lissadell Beach.

Bill Crowe, a marine biologist at Sligo Institute of Technology, theorized that the starfish (also called sea stars) might have been lifted ashore while feeding on mussel beds in the nearshore tidal zone. They were spread over nearly 500 feet of coastline.

‘The most likely explanation is that they were feeding on mussels, but it is a little strange that none of them were attached to mussels when they were washed in,’ Crowe said.

A toxic algae bloom would seem another possible explanation, but no other type of marine life was affected. Only starfish, mostly adult size, were found on the beach.

Equally mysterious is that virtually all of the starfish were dead, meaning they had succumbed surprisingly quickly after coming or being delivered ashore.

Other experts agreed that the most likely explanation is stormy weather, and perhaps high surf that deposited the starfish on the beach.

‘They turned up almost certainly as a result of an exceptional storm event,’ said Tim Roderick, an officer with Ireland’s National Parks and Wildlife Service. ‘A storm hit the seabed where these sub-tidal animals were and lifted them up and washed them ashore.’

The bizarre incident, like a smaller-scale die-off that occurred earlier this year on another beach in Ireland, remains under investigation.” Read more.

Categories: Mass Animal Deaths
  1. 11/15/2012 at 1:22 PM

    This is quite integrating and it seems to be a continuation of several mass animal deaths going on around the planet. Take a look at my post “Mass animal deaths” at inthislief.com. It shows several others without explanations. Birds, deer, fish, whales and seals. Please, what can we do? Can we start gathering people in one place to share info and find out the truth? Power in numbers but right now the numbers favor the sheep. I’m a wolf and will not die with my eyes and mind closed. Open minds for the people.


  2. Anonymous
    11/18/2012 at 4:10 PM

    I wouldn’t say that it’s mysterious that all the starfish were dead, or that they “succumbed surprisingly quickly.” It actually takes only minutes for sea stars to begin dying after being removed from the water. I learned this firsthand one day as a kid. Exploring the intertidal zone in Maine, I noticed starfish in a range of beautiful colors and started removing them from the water, putting them in a collection spot. Not a long time into my collecting spree, I noticed that the starfishes’ colors were fading, meaning they were dying. I immediately returned them to the water but wasn’t able to determine if it was too late or if they recovered.


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