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Wiesenthal Center: Obama Should Sever Ties With Muslim Brotherhood

Asking Barack Obama to sever ties with the Muslim Brotherhood is like asking Eric Holder to admit that radical Islam exists. It’s like asking Janet Napolitano to admit that Islam is not a “Religion of Peace.” It’s like asking Debbie Wasserman Schultz to admit that the Obama Administration lied about Benghazi. It’ll never happen

JPost – “The Simon Wiesenthal Center on Friday called on US President Barack Obama to publicly condemn the latest call for jihad against Israel by the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood’s Supreme Guide Mohammed Badie and to sever all contacts with the organization until the threat is withdrawn.

The Center’s call comes after Badie reportedly said in his weekly message to supporters that ‘The Jews have…spread corruption on earth [and] spilled the blood of believers,’ and therefore Arabs Should confront the Jewish state ‘Through holy jihad, high sacrifices and all forms of resistance.’

In a joint statement, Rabbis Marvin Hier and Abraham Cooper, respectively founder and dean and associate dean of the Center, denounced Badie, saying his ‘rant confirms our long held view that Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood is the most dangerous anti-Semitic organization in the world today.’

According to the statement, ‘We are not dealing with a Youtube video or a lone extremist Imam, but a call to anti-Semitic violence by a man who has tens of millions of followers and leads the organization that controls Egypt’s future. It cannot be business as usual in Washington when such an assault is launched against the Jewish people.’

They concluded by urging ‘President Obama to condemn the rhetoric and cut off all official and unofficial US contacts with the Muslim Brotherhood until they desist from their hate and war mongering.'” Source – The Jerusalem Post.

Flashback: Three Muslim Brotherhood Members Employed by the White House, Influencing Policies of President Obama – “Rashad Hussain is Obama’s special envoy to the 52-nation Organization of the Islamic Conference. His background is entrenched in the Muslim Brotherhood… Dalia Mogahed is a speech writer and chief advisor on Islamic affairs for Barack Obama. Numerous sites provide information that show Ms. Mogahed is pro-Sharia and deeply entrenched with the Muslim Brotherhood and its offshoot, Muslim American Society… Azizah al-Hibri was appointed by the president to the Commission on International Religious Freedom. She is an intellectual professor and lawyer who defends Islamic law. She once served on the advisory board for Mohammed Alamoudi of the American Muslim Council, defending Alamoudi even after he made public statements supporting terrorism.” Read more.

  1. admin
    10/16/2012 at 4:24 AM

    Reblogged this on The Muslim Issue.


  2. 07/15/2013 at 5:17 PM

    Barack Hussein Obama is vulnerable – or putting it more straight – lies open to dedicated Muslim infiltration. That the Muslim aspiration goes hill up to the White House, is not surprising when reading “The Muslim Mafia” by P. David Gaubatz and Paul Sperry about the secret underworld that’s conspiring to Islamize America.


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