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US Military Instructor Suspended For Daring To Speak The Truth About Islam

Revelation 18:3, “For all the nations have drunk the maddening wine of her adulteries …”

“(Reuters) – The instructor of a college course that taught top military officers the United States was at war with Islam has been relieved of teaching duties and the course ordered redesigned to reflect U.S. policy, a military spokesman said on Wednesday.

The elective course at the National Defense University’s Joint Forces Staff College included a slide that asserted ‘the United States is at war with Islam and we ought to just recognize that we are war with Islam,’ Pentagon officials said in April as they launched a review of the course.

Colonel David Lapan, a spokesman for the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said on Wednesday a review of the course found that ‘institutional failures and in oversight and judgment’ led to the course being modified over time in a way ‘that portrayed Islam almost entirely in a negative way.’

‘The inquiry recommends the course be redesigned to include aspects of U.S. policy and reduce its reliance on external instruction,’ Lapan said in a statement. It also recommended improving oversight of course curricula.

‘The elective course’s military instructor has been relieved of his instructor duties until his permanent change of station, which was previously planned for 2012,’ Lapan said.” Read more.

Flashback: US Marines Warned: Act More Muslim, Don’t Spit Towards Mecca – “But wait, that’s not all. They’re no longer permitted to urinate facing towards Mecca, either. And it doesn’t matter which way the wind is blowing. Unfortunately, Karzai still isn’t impressed. I guess the only upside to this ridiculous politically correct brainlessness is the likelihood that a Muslim extremist or two are having difficulty strapping up their suicide vests or burying their IEDs from all the laughter …” Read more.

Flashback: American Military Continues to Submit to Islam: Cross Removed at Base in Afghanistan – “A large cross that had been prominently displayed outside a chapel on an isolated military base in northern Afghanistan was taken down last week, prompting outrage from some American service members stationed there. ‘We are here away from our families, and the chapel is the one place that feels like home,’ a service member at Camp Marmal told POLITICO. ‘With the cross on the outside, it is a constant reminder for all of us that Jesus is here for us.’ ‘Not having it there is really upsetting,’ added another. ‘I walk by the chapel daily on the way to chow and the gym, and seeing the cross is a daily reminder of my faith and what Jesus accomplished for me. It is daily inspiration and motivation for me to acknowledge my faith and stay on the right path.’” Read more.

Flashback: Islamic Indoctrination in Textbooks Sanitize the True, Dark Nature of the ‘Religion of Peace’ – “Political correctness has a double standard when it comes to teaching about religion in public schools. Drop Christianity down the memory hole but give extensive and mostly favorable coverage to Islam. Even the mainstream media have provided extensive coverage of the steady stream of court cases and threatening letters from the American Civil Liberties Union aimed at removing all signs of Judeo-Christianity from public schools. Not only must prayer be prohibited, a cross and the Ten Commandments removed or covered up, a valedictorian banned from thanking God for his help, a football coach prohibited from bowing his head during a student-led pre-game prayer, singing of Christmas carols banned, and school calendars required to recognize winter holiday instead of Christmas, but there is also the complete omission of the history of the Founding Fathers’ public recognition of Christianity.” Read more.

  1. 06/22/2012 at 3:12 PM

    The problem with Islam is that most people don’t know Arabic, so Muslims can get away with their lies.


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