Home > Anything Else, Radical Islam, Wars and Rumors of War > Egypt: Muslim Brotherhood Presidential Candidate Declares ‘Death In The Name Of Allah Is Our Goal’

Egypt: Muslim Brotherhood Presidential Candidate Declares ‘Death In The Name Of Allah Is Our Goal’

Proverbs 8:35-36, “For he who finds Me finds life And obtains favor from the LORD. But he who sins against Me injures himself. All those who hate Me love death.”

Yes, this is the same Muslim Brotherhood that officially endorsed Barack Obama’s own chosen “faith adviser.” If this death-loving candidate wasn’t what the Obama Administration had in mind when they said they were perfectly satisfied with a Muslim Brotherhood win in Egypt, then what on earth were they expecting? …

“Egypt’s Constitution should be based on the Koran and Sharia law, presidential candidate from the Muslim Brotherhood Islamist movement Mohamed Morsi said.

‘The Koran is our constitution, the Prophet is our leader, jihad is our path and death in the name of Allah is our goal,’ Morsi said in his election speech before Cairo University students on Saturday night.

Today Egypt is close as never before to the triumph of Islam at all the state levels, he said.

‘Today we can establish Sharia law because our nation will acquire well-being only with Islam and Sharia. The Muslim Brothers and the Freedom and Justice Party will be the conductors of these goals,’ he said.

The Muslim Brotherhood Islamist group has been banned in Egypt for decades before being legalized following the ouster of President Hosni Mubarak in last year’s popular uprising, and has since emerged as a powerful political force.

The first round of Egypt’s presidential election is scheduled for May 23-24. The presidential campaign starts on April 30 and finishes at midnight on May 21.

The president will be elected for a four-year term.” Source – The Voice of Russia.

Flashback: ‘A Serious Intellectual Failing’: Obama Embraces Islam – If Islamism Is OK For Egypt, Why Not America? – “The Obama administration is doing its utmost to promote the fortunes of the Islamist parties in Egypt. A State Department official declared that with the rise of these radical groups after the Arab Spring, ‘people who once might have gone into al Qaeda see an opportunity for a legitimate Islamism.’ They see this as a victory. The problem is, so do the terrorists. Last year, the White House began peddling the line that the uprisings in the Middle East were a repudiation of the al Qaeda model of seeking change through terrorism. The argument was that while America opposed violent extremism, the rise of nonviolent radical movements was just fine, and even commendable.” Read more.

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