Home > Radical Islam, Wars and Rumors of War > Seeking ‘To Communicate The Message Of Islam’: Another Islamic ‘Charity’ Caught Promoting Extremism And Terror

Seeking ‘To Communicate The Message Of Islam’: Another Islamic ‘Charity’ Caught Promoting Extremism And Terror

If one of your main goals was to communicate the message of Islam to society, you’ve done a great job, ICNA …

IPT News – “The charitable wing of a major American Muslim organization is promoting donations to extremist causes, undercutting a nationwide campaign to improve its image. The website link from the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) Relief division hints at deeper connections to extremism and terror, both by the charitable branch and by its parent organization.

ICNA’s self-proclaimed goal is ‘to communicate the message of Islam to the society at large’ and ‘also to initiate change in the social and political spheres [of American society] in light of the principles of the noble Qur’an,’ according to the group’s 2020 Vision program.

‘The future of Dawah [proselytizing] in this society is directly linked with the ability of ICNA’s membership to communicate the message of Islam to the society at large,’ it explains. Over time, the group encourages ‘moving to the next level of Dawah, aimed towards the movers and shakers of the society.’

As that program outlines, that goal means more engagement with non-Muslims to promote Islam. ICNA is in the midst of a pro-Sharia campaign, which explains that Islamic law isn’t something threatening to American society or order.

A long history of extremism stands in the way. ICNA’s magazine, conferences, and ideology have promoted violent jihad and supremacy rhetoric for decades, and continue to emphasize Islam as a civilization alternative to secular society.

The group’s 2010 Member’s Hand Book illustrated how further acceptance of Islam would lead to an Islamic state in America and then to a global Caliphate. ‘With this work of propagation of Islam, social reform, and the truth is introduced to a large part of the society. A good part of the society’s thinking individuals join the movement. Then it may move to establish an Islamic society, obedient to Allah’s commands,’ the hand book states.

To change beliefs about Islam and to further ICNA’s role in promoting it, the 2020 plan emphasizes social justice and charity issues. But the discovery of more extremist content on ICNA Relief’s website shows that although the group has initiated a new public image, an ideology of extremism prevails just under the surface.” Read more.

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