Home > Anything Else > Dead Sea Scrolls Document History of Israel, Refute Palestine, Occupation

Dead Sea Scrolls Document History of Israel, Refute Palestine, Occupation

By Joel Leyden – “Jerusalem — February 10, 2012 …. One need not trek thousands of miles to view the ancient Dead Sea Scrolls in Jerusalem.

Smack in the middle of Times Square and Broadway in New York City, the Discovery Museum has been displaying this ancient, Hebrew literature since last October.

The ancient, 2,000 year-old Hebrew scrolls were accidentally discovered in 1947 by a Bedouin boy high above the Israel Dead Sea in a number of caves. The Dead Sea Scrolls reveal the history of the Jewish Second Temple period (520 B.C.E.-70 C.E.), particularly from the second century B.C.E. until the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 C.E. – a time of crucial developments in the crystallization of the monotheistic religions.

The Dead Sea Scrolls are a vivid testament to the life, times, community and legal heritage of the Jewish people to the land of Israel.

In a world filled with blatant propaganda and lies by the Palestinian Authority (PA), Iran, Hamas and Islamic Jihad, it is refreshing to view upon these well preserved documents that speak of community and values by Jews who lived in biblical Israel.

These Jewish documents contain numerous copies of books from the Hebrew Bible, written in Hebrew, not Arabic!

How can Arabs or the UN declare that Israel, the West Bank or Gaza is occupied land when these documents were written over 600 years before the prophet Muhammad, before there was anything called Islam or Palestine?

These Jewish documents contain numerous copies of books from the Hebrew Bible, written in Hebrew, not Arabic!” Read more.

Categories: Anything Else
  1. 04/20/2012 at 11:53 AM

    i am collecting information on jewish and found your article very helpful .
    thanks for posting .


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