Home > Radical Islam, Wars and Rumors of War > Egypt: Mass of Spectators at Soccer Game Chant ‘One Nation For a New Holocaust’

Egypt: Mass of Spectators at Soccer Game Chant ‘One Nation For a New Holocaust’

Welcome to a new and improved Egypt, where now everyone is permitted to express their genocidal freedoms of expression as free Muslims in a free Egypt.  Given the fact that the Egyptian people have “democratically elected” the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamist parties by an overwhelming majority, we shouldn’t be the least bit surprised when a stadium full of spectators now openly longs for a new holocaust against the Jews of Israel, despite the fact that the Muslim Brotherhood claims that the holocaust was a ‘tale’ invented by the West. Yet, even they have themselves expressed identical sentiments recently, with nary a peep out of the mainstream media in America, nor from the pro-Brotherhood powers that be in Washington. Succinctly put, the ‘Arab Spring’ is going to hell in a hand basket

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