Home > Radical Islam, Wars and Rumors of War > Sweden: Four Terror Suspects Arrested, Al Qaeda Now Encouraging Muslim Radicals to ‘Strike Where They Are’

Sweden: Four Terror Suspects Arrested, Al Qaeda Now Encouraging Muslim Radicals to ‘Strike Where They Are’

By Per Nyberg – “(CNN) — A Swedish SWAT team backed by local police arrested four people overnight on suspicion of plotting terror attacks, the Swedish Security Service told CNN Sunday.

The four were held in the city of Gothenburg for “probable cause” of preparing the attacks, the highest level of suspicion in Sweden, said Sara Kvarnstrom, a spokeswoman for the security force.

She refused to say whether the suspects had been under surveillance or if the arrests resulted from a tip-off, saying she could not discussed details on an ongoing investigation.

‘Through these arrests we have been able to prevent a situation from occurring,’ Malena Rembe, head analyst at the Swedish Security Service, told CNN affiliate TV4…

The head of the Swedish Security Service, Anders Danielsson, warned last week that “Islamic terrorism is still the biggest threat against Sweden.”

‘But it is different today,’ he said, calling it ‘more complex and unpredictable, both in terms of who could be a target and how they can strike.’

Al Qaeda is now encouraging Muslim radicals to stay home ‘and strike where they are,’ rather than traveling to conflict zones to get experience, said Rembe of the Swedish Security Service.” Read more.

Losing Malmo: Sweden Surrenders Their Third Largest City … to Muslims – “Do you remember the jihadist terror campaign that ravaged Malmo, Sweden’s third largest city? Do you recall the bombings, the suicide-hijackings, and the random assassinations that finally coerced the city to surrender to Islamization? No? Funny, I don’t remember them either. Yet there is no question that Malmo has surrendered. Large enclaves of the city, like similar enclaves throughout Western Europe, have earned the dread label ‘no-go zone.’ They are unsafe for non-Muslims, particularly women who do not conform to Islamist conventions of dress and social interaction. They are especially perilous for police, firefighters, and emergency-medical technicians.” Read more.

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