Home > Radical Islam, Wars and Rumors of War > Expert: Large European Cities Overwhelmed by Muslim Population

Expert: Large European Cities Overwhelmed by Muslim Population

“Muslim population in many big European cities already exceeds 20%, according to Alex Alexiev, an expert in international security and radical Islam and visiting fellow at the Hudson Institute, Washington, D.C.

In his words, however, what is especially worrying is that these Muslims are getting radicalized.

The expert reckons that almost all Western European countries are marked by a high degree of radicalization.

‘Unlike our Muslims from the Balkan Peninsula, they are much more prone to radicalization because the religious organs in Western Europe, the Muslim religious organs, are controlled and commanded by radical Islamists, subsidized/financed by Saudi Arabia and other places, and preach the ideologies of the Muslim Brotherhood and etc’, Alexiev explains in an interview fir the Focus news agency.

According to him, it seems to escape public notice that almost all Muslims in Western Europe are people residing in big cities.

‘Muslims in rural areas and small towns are hard to find. If we take the city of Marseille as an example, the Muslim population there exceeds 30%, the share of the young generation below 20 years of age is already above 50%, meaning that Marseille is on its way to become an exclusively Muslim city. The same applies to Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Malmö, and Antwerp’, the expert says.” Read more.

Sharia Creep: The ‘Religion of Peace’ is Creating No-Go Zones for Non-Muslims Throughout the West – “The violent intimidation of anti-jihadists that I just saw in Stuttgart is coming to America. Authorities should act quickly and decisively to defend the freedom of speech, or it will most assuredly soon be gone.” Read more.

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