Home > Radical Islam, Wars and Rumors of War > Hezbollah Cartoon Teaches Children to Throw Stones at Israelis and to Seek Death as Martyrs to Gain Paradise

Hezbollah Cartoon Teaches Children to Throw Stones at Israelis and to Seek Death as Martyrs to Gain Paradise

Proverbs 21:6, “The getting of treasures by a lying tongue [is] a vanity tossed to and fro of them that seek death.” (KJV)

“The enemies harm everyone, therefore the young ones are now crying ‘Allah Akbar!’ [Background shows the Dome of the Rock, a holy Islamic shrine in Jerusalem] You are [our people’s] purpose and concern, let your stone pour out blood. Your land is your honor and your mother, and worldly things only come after it. My book has turned into a stone. With it, I repel the treacherous. It is small like [the boy] but its effect is great. Purify yourself, pray and set out. With your blood the soil will be perfumed. Engrave your name on [Heaven’s] doors. I am at your service, on Al-Aqsa [Mosque]! I am at your service, oh Jerusalem! I may have missed a lesson, but my love for you is a lesson itself. Come out of every tunnel, window and door, join your stone to mine. The shooting of the evil [Israelis] doesn’t scare us. The dear [child] has fulfilled his desire, achieving the merit of Marytrdom. [The boy] who went to redeem his country is not considered dead.” Source.

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