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Niger: Muslims With Hurt Feelings Kill Christians, Destroy At Least 70 Churches, Loot And Burn Dozens Of Christian Homes

Revelation 13:18, “This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate [ψηφίζω – “reckon”] the number [ἀριθμός – “multitude” of people] of the beast, for it is the number of a man …”

When anything depicting Islam’s “prophet” is produced today half way around the world by non-Muslims, the “Religion of Peace” is compelled to protest in any way but one that is peaceful. Aside from being considered their prophet, however, what else makes the man Mohammed so different from every other prophet in the eyes of Muslims? As Jake Neuman on Islam Watch once noted, “There are 91 verses in the Quran that say: obeying God is obeying Muhammad and obeying Muhammad is obeying God … Therefore, Muhammad and Allah have the same standing in Islam, are equal to each other.” One of the reasons why Muslims are taught to despise the West — which they view as Christian — is because we associate Jesus with God, making Jesus a co-equal “partner” with the Almighty. The Divinity of Jesus (meaning Salvation) and whose image we are being conformed to (Romans 8:29) is one of the foundational tenets of Christianity. According to the teachings of Islam, this belief is an unpardonable sin that “Allah” will never forgive. Although Muslims would never teach that Mohammed is “Allah” in the flesh, however, Islam associates and equates its own “prophet” with “Allah” himself, claiming that “Allah” has no partners on one hand while teaching that one cannot become a Muslim unless they acknowledge that “There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his messenger” per the Shahada on the other. As such, Islam teaches that a Muslim’s own “salvation” is entirely determined by their obedience and devotion to Mohammed, effectively elevating the “prophet” of Islam to a “Christ-like” co-equal status with Islam’s own deity. To acknowledge “Allah” is simply not enough. You must acknowledge the “perfect man” Mohammed — and be conformed to his image — as well …

Qur’an Sura 3:31, “… If you should love Allah, THEN FOLLOW ME [Mohammed], so Allah will love you and forgive you your sins …”

Revelation 12:9, 13:4, 20:10, “And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth … And they worshiped the dragon, for he had given his authority to the beast, and they worshiped the beast, saying, ‘Who is like the beast, and who can fight against it?’ … The devil, who deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet are. And they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.”

Charisma News – “The Christian community in Niger says it is in shock in the wake of weekend violence that has claimed the lives of 10 people and led to the destruction of dozens of places of worship and Christian homes.

The protest, which started in the country’s second city, Zinder, on Friday, Jan. 16, quickly spread to surrounding areas before reaching the capital Niamey on Saturday.

Ten people have died, and 45 churches burned down in the two days of violence, the police say. But information gathered by World Watch Monitor revealed that more than 70 churches have been destroyed, along with numerous Christian schools and organizations, including an orphanage ‘The Good Samaritan’ run by the Assembly of God Church. The 40 children of the orphanage are currently in ‘disarray’ under the care of police.

Over 30 Christian homes were believed to be looted and burnt down. Those affected say the violence has left them with ‘only the clothes on our backs.’

Pastor Zakaria Jadi, whose church was among the destroyed buildings, told the BBC he was meeting with the elders when he heard about the attacks.

‘I just rushed and told my colleagues in the church to take their families away from the place. I took my family out from the place … When I came back, I just discovered that everything has gone. There’s nothing in my house and also nothing in the church.'” Read more.

Hypocrisy: Images Of Mohammed In Islam Are More Common Than Fundamentalists Claim – “… Islamic history is full of examples of paintings — particularly miniatures, one of the glories of Islamic art—of human beings, including the Prophet. There are illustrated Korans depicting Mohammed, some showing human beings with distinct lines drawn over their necks, symbolically defying them to come to life and thereby demonstrating the artist’s denial of his intent to compete with God. Some paintings clearly show Mohammed’s face; others draw his body but leave his face blank or veiled. The tradition of veiling Mohammed’s face may have nothing to do with any prohibition on representational art but rather refer to a belief that Mohammed needed to cover his face, since it radiated such light that it would blind a normal person. Sculpture is rarer in the Islamic world, but even there, we see plenty of exceptions.” Read more.

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    Niger: Muslims With Hurt Feelings Kill Christians, Destroy At Least 70 Churches, Loot And Burn Dozens Of Christian Homes


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