Home > Radical Islam > Sweden: Police Entering Muslim ‘No-Go Zone’ Are Promptly Beaten By Locals

Sweden: Police Entering Muslim ‘No-Go Zone’ Are Promptly Beaten By Locals

How are “infidel” law enforcement officers supposed to keep the peace when the “Religion of Peace” forbids it? …

Qur’an Sura 18:26, “[Allah] maketh none to share in his government.”

AvPixlat (Translation) – “When a police patrol went to carry out a drug screening of a suspected gang of youths in the immigrant-dominated Gothenburg district of Bergsjön it ended up with two of the police officers knocked down and beaten with punches and kicks.

Several of the gang managed to flee the scene but two of the gang members, 18 and 21 years old, were apprehended and are now suspects in assault and assaulting a police officer.

They were released, however, for unknown reasons after interrogation. Police did say they take seriously this lack of respect for the police, an attitude, however, that is the rule rather than the exception among the gangs in the ‘multicultural’ neighbourhoods.

The assault took place in connection with a police patrol observed a gang of immigrant youths in Meteor Way in Bergsjön who had concerns about some of the gang had drugs on him.

One of the people that the allegations were made against became aggressive and tried to leave from the site. He was stopped by police but put up violent resistance, with the remaining gang members attacking a police officer.

Additional police officers were called to the scene but the gang still continued with their violence in which two policemen were injured by blows and kicks.

The police intervention that led to the gang beatings were part of the Gothenburg Police work against the large number of gang shootings and shootings that have occurred in Gothenburg recently.

Police have stepped up their efforts in the area, conducting multiple inspections to find weapons and drugs.” Source – Blazing Cat Fur.

Flashback 2011: Swedes Reach Muslim Breaking Point (Video)

Flashback: The Bed Of Sweden’s Own Making

Categories: Radical Islam
  1. 04/02/2014 at 12:44 PM

    Reblogged this on just2bwise and commented:
    And you think we have it bad in our country? Imagine being in Sweden!


  2. bookmaker
    07/13/2015 at 5:39 AM

    Terrible!!! I visit Sweden each year to experience calmness, We stay in non inhabited places and rarely visiting large cities. For many years I had no idea that Sweden has so much problem with Muslim immigration, it really scares me what’s going on in Europe these days. We have this saying: “If You’re too kind your arse is being kicked”


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